Seeing all the work that has gone into this site, people could be forgiven for thinking that I'm a hi-tech music enthusiast but nothing is further from the truth! I am only interested in technology in as far as it enables me to do things, as a musician and a teacher, that I can't achieve in other ways. Given a choice of playing a piano or an electronic keyboard, I'd choose the piano every time! I have extremely limited patience with technology - and, no, I don't know how to work the family video recorder!
Welcome to the Music section of the Educational Media Awareness Campaign. From this page you can use the gallery box to access all the featured media for this subject. The gallery will guide you through the collection - just keep clicking "next" or "back". This page also shows the today's current feature from this section. A particular media item is dynamically selected each day to feature on pages related to this subject. At the side of this page there is also an administrative panel which helps maintain and extend this collection.
The major scales in standard musical notation. Click on the image for a full size version which you can freely re-use and modify. Print it and use it for your lessons, integrate it into your pages on Wikiversity, or use it in other learning resources and websites. Use the links below to find more images like this one.