Education 4:Effectiveness of training in prevention for type 2 diabetes

1. Effectiveness of Training prevention of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review[1]


It can be suggested that planned and regular training has a positive effect on metabolic control variables, self-management behaviours and quality of life of individuals with diabetes.

2. Maritime Doctors’ Skills and Competencies: A Review for Policy Analysis [2]


The analysis of policy, using 2 policy models, showed that a window of opportunity appears to be in favour of a policy regarding the recognition of maritime medicine as a medical specialisation. International stakeholders, together with the International Maritime Health Association, should actively advocate such a perspective

3. Prevention with education of diabetes type 2 the program MyDESMOND platform


“The programme is group-based education which aims to support people with a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes and work with them to self-manage their condition, through a structured education programme to target lifestyle modification and behaviour change which can be culturally adapted to suit your local population. [3][4][5]

4. The IDF School of Diabetes


The International Federation of Diabetes (IDF): 463 million people globally have diabetes. If nothing is done, it is estimated that this number will rise to 700 million by 2045. Education is an integral component of diabetes care: 1 in 5 healthcare professionals does not receive any postgraduate training in diabetes. IDF recognises the value of providing continued professional education for health professionals and resources for people with diabetes and caregiver in a sustainable and convenient manner. The IDF School of Diabetes, through its interactive modules, aims to ensure the best possible education in a flexible and self-paced environment. Courses are available in several languages and provide European CME credits. [6]

5. Which Interventions Support the Maintenance of Work and Return to Work?


As part of the CHRODIS Plus Joint European Action project, a systematic review was conducted to identify studies of interventions that support the maintenance of work and return to work (RTW) among workers with chronic illnesses. These interventions should target employees with the following conditions: diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic vascular syndrome, respiratory diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, mental disorders, and neurological disorders. We found that workplace-oriented and multidisciplinary programs are the most supportive to RTW and reducing the absence due to illness. In addition, cognitive behavioral therapies achieve positive results on RTW and sick leave. Finally, coaching is effective for the self-management of chronic disease and significantly improved perceptions of working capacity and fatigue.[7]

==5 Harvard health online[8]


  1. Bağriaçik, Ezgi, and Nurhan Bayraktar. “” Endocrinologia, Diabetes Y Nutricion, August 13, 2021, S2530-0164(21)00181-6.
  2. Bygvraa, Despena Andrioti, Tara Ballav Adhikari, George Charalambous, and Olaf Chresten Jensen. “Maritime Doctors’ Skills and Competencies: A Review for Policy Analysis.” Maritime Technology and Research 2, no. 1 (January 1, 2020): 40–51.
  5. Gillett, M., H. M. Dallosso, S. Dixon, A. Brennan, M. E. Carey, M. J. Campbell, S. Heller, K. Khunti, T. C. Skinner, and M. J. Davies. “Delivering the Diabetes Education and Self Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed (DESMOND) Programme for People with Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes: Cost Effectiveness Analysis.” BMJ 341 (August 20, 2010): c4093.
  7. Nazarov, Soja, Ulf Manuwald, Matilde Leonardi, Fabiola Silvaggi, Jérôme Foucaud, Kristopher Lamore, Erika Guastafierro, Chiara Scaratti, Jaana Lindström, and Ulrike Rothe. “Chronic Diseases and Employment: Which Interventions Support the Maintenance of Work and Return to Work among Workers with Chronic Illnesses? A Systematic Review.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16, no. 10 (May 27, 2019): 1864.