Easy Math Formulas

Three - Dimensional Figures - Volume

In books, formulas are known as difficult by many people. Kids end up with harder - and longer to use - formulas. These formulas are almost garanteed to make a child make a mistake. Teenagers are expected to already learn them, and In college, sometimes instruction is what they should've learned in high school. But there are formulas out there that are easy to use in geometry.

For example, take a cube or rectangular prism. The formula? Bh. Now, this may confuse you. I mean, two simple letters, with one capitalized? That is very confusing at first. But, there is a meaning faster than what is taught. The B stands for Area of the base. The H stands for Multiplyed by the height. This formula is very similar.

Now, let's do something like a pyramid. The pyramid is very simple; find a measurement you can divide by 3, and then multiply like a cube, or 'Bh3. Likewise, with a cone, just multiply the circle by pi. Notice how simple these formulas are?

Two - Dimensional Figures - Area

Now let's move on to two - dimensional figures. We will start with a triange. Multiply the measurements like a square or rectangle. Then divide by 2. That is also another easy way to calculate area.

With a paralellagram, There is a top measurement, and there is a base (Bottom) measurement. In order to complete this, you must average those numbers, then multiply by the height. For example, let's say the top measurement is 3, and the bottom measurement is 5. The average would be 4, the middle number. Now let's say the height is 5. 4 multiplyed by 5 is 20. That is the area.