Earth Stewardship/LSOE


Generate a Summary to go with each environmental case study, this is used to generate a summary for a local state of the environment report.

Answering the following questions to generate your LSOE report.

 1. What is happening in the environment (i.e., how are environmental conditions and trends changing)?
 2. Why is it happening (i.e., how are human activities and other stresses linked to the issue in question)?
 3. Why is it significant (i.e., what are its ecological and socioeconomic effects)?
 4. What is being done about it (i.e., how is society responding to the issues)?
 5. Is this sustainable (i.e., are human actions threatening environmental capital and causing deterioration of ecosystem health)?

Each LSOE report should:

be written in a manner that non-specialists can understand; include a concise executive summary or highlights section; make reference to appropriate monitoring programs that are the source of ecological data (e.g. Surveys)and provide information for answering policy questions; and document the contributors to, and reviewers of, the report.

M-ICE debate routine after reciving the LSOE reports.

Academic debate using paltalk.

  * What are current problems related to this topic in the world? Please identify at least two.
  * What has caused these problems to exist in the world? Please identify at least two causes for each problem.
  * What has the United Nations done in attempting to resolve those problems?
  * What is the position of the named Country on those problems?
  * What is the possible position of other countries in your committee on those problems? Consider at least two other countries.
  * How should the M-ICE make a proposition to the United Nations resolve those problems? Making sure that your solution(s) is/are consistent with your country’s position

Generate a position paper.

Writing a position paper after reciving data for transcribing of a Local State of the Environment Report.


State and define your public policy question (a public concern)

  * Is it a real issue, with genuine controversy and uncertainty?
  * Can you distinctly identify two positions?
  * Are you personally interested in advocating one of these positions?
  * Is the issue narrow enough to be manageable?
  * Analysing an Issue and Developing an Argument 

Provide an overview of the most current scientific understanding of the issue in question;

  * Who is your audience?
  * What do they believe?
  * Where do they stand on the issue?
  * How are their interests involved?
  * What evidence is likely to be effective with them?
  * In determining your viewpoint, ask yourself the following:
  * Is your topic interesting?
  * Can you manage the material within the specifications set by the instructor?
  * Does your topic assert something specific and propose a plan of action?
  * Do you have enough material to support your opinion? 

Examine the key trends within the issue and, where applicable, cross-links with other issues, and the significance of those trends;

Relate to the LSOE above and use any Survey data provided by an ESAI officer.

Describe the efforts of governments, industry, and others in addressing the issue of concern;

Include the scientific responses to the policy question, as part of its analysis and in its executive summary or highlights section;

Post the summarised data sheet. (Survey 3 and 4)

Include any indicators that track key trends in the issue being addressed, making use of relevant existing national environmental indicators; and

Include an analysis of environment-related changes since the last assessment, if applicable.