Apart from this entry cf. also Leave-Taking (ECSTRA).

(1) What do you say in your nation to show that you want to end a conversation

1. simply "(ok then,) good-bye" after the interlocutor has finished a sentence
2. a phrase like "I want to go now"
3. a phrase like "I must go now. I still some things to do."
4. a phrase like "It is already late."
5. a phrase like "I don't want to bother you any longer."
6. a phrase like "We have already talked too long."
7. saying what you still have to do (if there is something to do)
8. inventing a reason
other means

(2) Does the other person let you go or does s/he try to convince you to stay?

(Please remember our guidelines.)

AT: Austria


Vienna, Lower Austria (ECSTRA-Q)

(1) 1 2 5 frequent; 3 4 7 8 very frequent; "It was nice talking to you, but now..."; (2) both possible

BE: Belgium


Brussels (ECSTRA-Q)

(1) 1 informally; 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; (2) lets you go (it's not polite to insist)

CH: Switzerland


Lausanne (French-speaking area) (ECSTRA-Q)

(1) 3 4 5 6, maybe 8; (2) depends on person and relation

CZ: Czech Republic


Bohemia (ECSTRA-Q)

(1) "Sorry, but I have to go now", (2) lets you go

DE: Germany


Bremen (ECSTRA-Q)

(1) 1 2 3 4 7 8; (2) let's you go

south (ECSTRA-Q)

(1) 3 4 5 7 8, "So, we'll see each other"; (2) lets you go

Saxony (ECSTRA-Q)

(1) 2 3 4 7, 5 6 rarely; (2) lets you go

DK: Denmark



EE: Estonia



ES: Spain


Andalucía (ECSTRA-Q)

(1) 3, (2) lets you go

Castilia y León (ECSTRA-Q)

(1) 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; sometimes 8; 1 rarely; "If you want to join ... I go to ..."; (2) It's rather the case you keep on talking unintentionally

FI: Finland


West Finland (Swedish-speaking area) (ECSTRA-Q)

(1) 3 4 5 frequent, 6 unusual (mostly between women), 7 very frequent, 1 8 practically never; (2) when you're invited to someone's home yes, in an accidental meeting no

Finnish-speaking area (ECSTRA-Q)

(1) 1 3 7 often, 2 sometimes, 4 5 6 8 rarely; (2) usually let's you go; if on a visit, it's polite for the host to say it's not so late yet

FR: France


Paris (ECSTRA-Q)

(1) 1 (sometimes), 2 (frequent), 3 (of varying frequency), 4 (frequent), 5 (frequent), 6 (of varying frequency), 7 (frequent), 8 (frequent); (2) depends on situation (one informand writes: "They don't let you go immediately but they don't try to persuade you to stay either. They just keep on talking as if they hadn't heard what you said and so you have to say it again."; another informand reports that the inerlocutor would accompany to the place where you want to go)

HR: Croatia



HU: Hungary


(1) 1, 7, maybe 5, "I must go now", "See you" (+ agreeing to meet at another time) (ECSTRA-Q)

IE: Ireland


Dublin (ECSTRA-Q)

(1) 5, 8, sometimes 7, "I'll let you go", (2) normally tries to persuade you to stay

IT: Italy


Lombardy (ECSTRA-Q)

(1) 1, 3, 4, 8; 2, 5, 7 less frequent; (2) they let you go

Sicily (ECSTRA-Q)

(2) first tries to convince you to stay (ECSTRA-Q)

LT: Lithuania


(1) 1 2 3 4 6 7 8; (2) depends on the interlocutors, normally person let's you go (ECSTRA-Q)

LU: Luxemburg


(1) 3, 4, 7, "Make it good", Bis geschwenn; (2) lets you go (ECSTRA-Q)

LV: Latvia



MT: Malta


(1) especially 1, also 3; (2) lets you go (ECSTRA-Q)

NL: Netherlands



NO: Norway



PL: Poland


(1) 3 5 6 7, maybe 4, "we can continue the conversation tomorrow, I'll now have to do something else"; (2) both possible (ECSTRA-Q)

PT: Portugal


Alentejo (ECSTRA-Q)

(1) 1 3 4 7 frequently, 2 6 never, 5 sometimes, 8 rarely, (2) sometimes the other person persuades you to stay but in general s/he lets you go

SE: Sweden


(1) 3 5; (2) lets you go (ECSTRA-Q)

SI: Slovenia



SK: Slovakia



UK: United Kingdom


Cambridgeshire (ECSTRA-Q)

(1) 1 3 4 5 6 7 frequent; 2 rare; (2) often there's no immediate departure, but a conversation about when the interlocutors will meet again

Glasgow, Scotland (ECSTRA-Q)

(1) 1 3 4 7 8; (2) The person first tries to persuade you to stay by asking a question or keeping the conversation going

Non-European Nations




(1) 1-8 (ECSTRA-Q)



(1) 1 2 5 6 8 frequent, 3 4 7 very frequent; (2) depends on the situation; usually at a party or an informal and pleasant meeting the other tries to persuade you to stay (ECSTRA-Q)



(1) 1 2 3 5 rarely, 4 6 7 8 yes; (2) both possible (ECSTRA-Q)



(1) 1 2 6 rarely, 4 5 7 8 frequently, making a promise to meet sometime later to talk more; (2) usually the other person tries to persuade you to stay or lets you go with a promise to call or meet soon (ECSTRA-Q)