Dominant group/Physics
The exploration of physics with respect to the use of the two-word term dominant group is the purpose of this subtopic/subpage.

Many of the various areas of physics, especially the major ones, have refereed journal articles within which there is an author chosen need to describe observations using a dominant group differentiation.
editDef. the nature and properties of "matter and energy and their interactions"[1] is called physics.
Def. "the study of properties and interactions of [space, time,][2] matter and energy"[3] is called physics.
Many of the early laws begin to make sense and increase understanding of the phenomena observed when coupled to experimental and theoretical studies performed in a laboratory here on Earth under controlled conditions.
Dominant group
editIs dominant group a universal in human nature? Or, is dominant group used outside humanities, in fields like physics, because there are a few humans who believe dominant group and the concept behind it is a universal?
"Humanism is a group of philosophies and ethical perspectives which emphasize the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively, and generally prefers individual thought and evidence (rationalism, empiricism), over established doctrine or faith (fideism)."[4]
Examples from primary sources are to be used to prove or disprove each hypothesis. These can be collected per subject or in general.
- Accident hypothesis: dominant group is an accident of whatever processes are operating.
- Artifact hypothesis: dominant group may be an artifact of human endeavor or may have preceded humanity.
- Association hypothesis: dominant group is associated in some way with the original research.
- Bad group hypothesis: dominant group is the group that engages in discrimination, abuse, punishment, and additional criminal activity against other groups. It often has an unfair advantage and uses it to express monopolistic practices.
- Control group hypothesis: there is a control group that can be used to study dominant group.
- Entity hypothesis: dominant group is an entity within each field where a primary author of original research uses the term.
- Evolution hypothesis: dominant group is a product of evolutionary processes, such groups are the evolutionary process, produce evolutionary processes, or are independent of evolutionary processes.
- Identifier hypothesis: dominant group is an identifier used by primary source authors of original research to identify an observation in the process of analysis.
- Importance hypothesis: dominant group signifies original research results that usually need to be explained by theory and interpretation of experiments.
- Indicator hypothesis: dominant group may be an indicator of something as yet not understood by the primary author of original research.
- Influence hypothesis: dominant group is included in a primary source article containing original research to indicate influence or an influential phenomenon.
- Interest hypothesis: dominant group is a theoretical entity used by scholarly authors of primary sources for phenomena of interest.
- Metadefinition hypothesis: all uses of dominant group by all primary source authors of original research are included in the metadefinition for dominant group.
- Null hypothesis: there is no significant or special meaning of dominant group in any sentence or figure caption in any refereed journal article.
- Object hypothesis: dominant group is an object within each field where a primary author of original research uses the term.
- Obvious hypothesis: the only meaning of dominant group is the one found in Mosby's Medical Dictionary.
- Original research hypothesis: dominant group is included in a primary source article by the author to indicate that the article contains original research.
- Primordial hypothesis: dominant group is a primordial concept inherent to humans such that every language or other form of communication no matter how old or whether extinct, on the verge of extinction, or not, has at least a synonym for dominant group.
- Purpose hypothesis: dominant group is written into articles by authors for a purpose.
- Regional hypothesis: dominant group, when it occurs, is only a manifestation of the limitations within a region. Variation of those limitations may result in the loss of a dominant group with the eventual appearance of a new one or none at all.
- Source hypothesis: dominant group is a source within each field where a primary author of original research uses the term.
- Term hypothesis: dominant group is a significant term that may require a 'rigorous definition' or application and verification of an empirical definition.
Causal analysis
editPerhaps the fundamental question is "Why are physicists using the term, dominant group, that apparently has its origin in entomology or culture?"
The term "dominant group" appears to be used in physics as in astronomy to identify entities of importance. The genera differentia for possible definitions of "dominant group" fall into the following set of orderable pairs:
Synonym for "dominant" | Category Number | Category Title | Synonym for "group" | Category Number | Catgeory Title |
“superior” | 36 | SUPERIORITY | "arrangement" | 60 | ARRANGEMENT |
“influential” | 171 | INFLUENCE | "class" | 61 | CLASSIFICATION |
“musical note” | 462 | HARMONICS | "assembly" | 74 | ASSEMBLAGE |
“most important” | 670 | IMPORTANCE | "size" | 194 | SIZE |
“governing” | 739 | GOVERNMENT | "painting", "grouping" | 572 | ART |
"master" | 747 | MASTER | "association", "set" | 786 | ASSOCIATION |
----- | --- | ------- | "sect" | 1018 | RELIGIONS, CULTS, SECTS |
'Orderable' means that any synonym from within the first category can be ordered with any synonym from the second category to form an alternate term for "dominant group"; for example, "superior class", "influential sect", "master assembly", "most important group", and "dominant painting". "Dominant" falls into category 171. "Group" is in category 61. Further, any word which has its most or much more common usage within these categories may also form an alternate term, such as "ruling group", where "ruling" has its most common usage in category 739, or "dominant party", where "party" is in category 74. "Taxon" or "taxa" are like "species" in category 61. "Society" is in category 786 so there is a "dominant society".
"A related, but separate, definition relies on a linguistic identity that differs from that of the dominant society [5]."[6]
Subdivision popularity
editAs a natural science, physics may be subdivided.
Popularity of "dominant group" and relative synonyms in each subdivision may be helpful.
Subdivision | Number of articles | Relative synonym | Popularity in articles | Percentage |
"accelerator physics" | 11,900 | "dominant group" | 0 | 0 |
"acoustical physics" | 3,680 | "dominant group" | 2 | 0.054 |
"acoustics" | 645,000 | "dominant group" | 993 | 0.154 |
"agrophysics" | 8,210 | "dominant group" | 2 | 0.024 |
"applied physics" | 770,000 | "dominant group" | 72 | 0.009 |
"astrophysics" | 748,000 | "dominant group" | 327 | 0.044 |
"atmospheric physics" | 82,200 | "dominant group" | 12 | 0.015 |
"atomic physics" | 131,000 | "dominant group" | 45 | 0.034 |
"biophysics" | 630,000 | "dominant group" | 590 | 0.094 |
"chemical physics" | 700,000 | "dominant group" | 38 | 0.005 |
"classical mechanics" | 156,000 | "dominant group" | 26 | 0.017 |
"clinical physics" | 5,220 | "dominant group" | 1 | 0.019 |
"condensed matter physics" | 151,000 | "dominant group" | 48 | 0.032 |
"econophysics" | 7,450 | "dominant group" | 6 | 0.081 |
"electricity" | 2,190,000 | "dominant group" | 6,590 | 0.301 |
"electromagnetism" | 80,100 | "dominant group" | 327 | 0.408 |
"experimental physics" | 135,000 | "dominant group" | 32 | 0.024 |
"geophysics" | 818,000 | "dominant group" | 970 | 0.119 |
"gravity" | 2,280,000 | "dominant group" | 3,190 | 0.140 |
"heat" | 5,630,000 | "dominant group" | 5,600 | 0.099 |
"high energy physics" | 493,000 | "dominant group" | 46 | 0.009 |
"light" | 4,170,000 | "dominant group" | 38,600 | 0.926 |
"magnetism" | 624,000 | "dominant group" | 1,900 | 0.304 |
"magnetohydrodynamics" | 62,200 | "dominant group" | 7 | 0.011 |
"mechanics" | 2,030,000 | "dominant group" | 4,250 | 0.209 |
"medical physics" | 354,000 | "dominant group" | 9 | 0.003 |
"modern physics" | 327,000 | "dominant group" | 121 | 0.037 |
"molecular physics" | 194,000 | "dominant group" | 13 | 0.007 |
"neurophysics" | 3,350 | "dominant group" | 4 | 0.119 |
"nuclear physics" | 631,000 | "dominant group" | 131 | 0.021 |
"optical physics" | 40,600 | "dominant group" | 2 | 0.005 |
“optics” | 1,830,000 | "dominant group" | 2,670 | 0.146 |
"particle physics" | 630,000 | "dominant group" | 77 | 0.012 |
“physicists” | 286,000 | "dominant group" | 1,100 | 0.385 |
“physics” | 4,230,000 | "dominant group" | 4,060 | 0.096 |
“plasma physics” | 273,000 | "dominant group" | 17 | 0.006 |
"psychophysics" | 254,000 | "dominant group" | 234 | 0.092 |
"quantum field theory" | 310,000 | "dominant group" | 7 | 0.002 |
"quantum mechanics" | 1,090,000 | "dominant group" | 160 | 0.015 |
"radiation physics" | 86,800 | "dominant group" | 4 | 0.005 |
"relativistic mechanics" | 5,250 | "dominant group" | 2 | 0.038 |
"sociophysics" | 1,110 | "dominant group" | 11 | 0.991 |
"soil physics" | 24,700 | "dominant group" | 12 | 0.049 |
"solid state physics" | 646,000 | "dominant group" | 32 | 0.005 |
"sound" | 2,930,000 | "dominant group" | 18,600 | 0.635 |
"spintronics" | 29,300 | "dominant group" | 3 | 0.010 |
"statistical mechanics" | 836,000 | "dominant group" | 46 | 0.006 |
"theoretical physics" | 827,000 | "dominant group" | 107 | 0.013 |
"thermodynamics" | 842,000 | "dominant group" | 426 | 0.051 |
The extremely low percentages suggests that usage of "dominant group" may be author preference.
Like any other subject, physics has its entities such as
- physicists,
- physics journals,
- physics departments at universities,
- physics laboratories, and others, some of which are natural including sources and objects.
Accelerator physics
edit"In a European dominant group in the USA, having a help with Asian spirit was invaluable."[7] "A plasma-based accelerator is a promising candidate for a next generation accelerator."[7]
Acoustical physics
edit"Acoustics is the interdisciplinary science that deals with the study of all mechanical waves in gases, liquids, and solids including vibration, sound, ultrasound and infrasound."[8]
"Indeed, among the dominant group of signals, ie, whistles (W), we did not detect any signals of this type."[9]
"This ridge can be used to trace out the dominant group velocity packet as a function of frequency for this site."[10]
"The number of modes having a reverberation time in a specified time interval is expressed as a function of the total allowed degrees of freedom and it is shown that even when the number of degrees of freedom of the model is large there is, in general, no one dominant group."[11]
edit"Agrophysics is closely related to biophysics, but is restricted to the biology of the plants, animals, soil and an atmosphere involved in agricultural activities and biodiversity. It is different from biophysics in having the necessity of taking into account the specific features of biotope and biocoenosis, which involves the knowledge of nutritional science and agroecology, agricultural technology, biotechnology, genetics etc."[12]
"In the small basin (station 1) a mass development of the chrysophyte Dinobryon divergens was observed, so the dominant group in both abundance and biomass was Chrysophyceae. On the two deeper sampling stations the dominant groups changed from Cryptophyceae (mainly Rhodomonas lacustris) to Chlorophyceae and Dinophyceae [...]."[13]
"According to Kim et al. [1997], fungi constitute a dominant group among microorganisms decomposing humus substances in terms of the number of species."[14]
Applied physics
edit"Applied physics is a general term for physics which is intended for a particular technological or practical use.[15] It is usually considered as a bridge or a connection between "pure" physics and engineering.[16]"[17]
"This implies that, in the former range, the disturbance will consist of a single dominant group whose frequency increases as tito increases; in the second range of ... two dominant groups, differing in frequency and wavelength, will arrive simultaneously at the point considered."[18]
"A deconvoluted inhomogeneous linewidth broadening of 14.9 meV from the dominant group of QDs in the crystal is obtained."[19]
"[T]he current across the dominant group of shunts and the two point-like shunts is 150mA."[20]
edit"Astrophysics at its simplest is the application of laboratory physics, i.e., physics demonstrated in a laboratory and described with logical laws, to natural astronomical entities. This is done to understand these astronomical entities, their origin, history, and current constitution."[21]
Notation: let the symbol AR stand for active region.
Notation: let the symbol SDR stand for surface differential rotation.
Notation: let the symbol ΔP stand for a change in rotational period.
"[A] star lacking one dominant AR, or with several ARs spaced in longitude, might not show a clear rotational signal."[22]
SDR "will most easily be detected among stars that have relatively stable modulation over several rotations within a season from a dominant group of ARs that experience a noticeable change in mean AR latitude (corresponding to a change in mean rotational period) between consecutive observing seasons."[22]
"On very active stars with large filling factors, ΔP may be minimized because the periods determined might only result from a limited latitude band where enough "gaps" in the plage exist to permit detection of rotation modulation."[22] ΔP equals the maximum observed rotational period (Pmax) minus the minimum (Pmin).[22]
Notation: let the symbol Z stand for atomic number.
- let the symbol PeV stand for 1015 electron volts.
"The most dominant group is the iron group (Z = 25 − 27), at energies around 70 PeV more than 50% of the all-particle flux consists of these elements."[23]
Notation: let the symbol keV stand for 103 electron volts.
Compact groups of galaxies are tight associations of galaxies.[24] Their compactness suggests extremely short crossing times and a very rapid evolution.[24] Computer simulations suggest that a compact "group coalesces into a giant dominant galaxy in a small number of crossing times."[24] "Alternately, compact groups may be transient unbound cores of loose groups".[24] A third alternative is that they are mostly chance alignments within larger loose groups of galaxies.[24]
"In a physically dense group one would expect that the majority of the galaxies would exhibit visible signs of interaction."[24]
"At the same time, the dominant group members are as likely to be spirals as ellipticals, hence suggesting that systematic merging has not (yet) occurred".[24]
The microdensitometer tracings from a low-inductance vacuum spark are compared with spectra from the OSO 3 satellite.[25]
"The preflare spectrum and the 14 kV spectrum both have Fe XVIII as the dominant group of lines"[25]
Atmospheric physics
edit"Atmospheric physics is the application of physics to the study of the atmosphere."[26]
"There is a dominant group of periodicities around 4±7 years, which may be associated with the ENSO phenomena."[27]
Atomic physics
editDef. the "branch of physics that studies the internal structure of atomic nuclei"[28] is called atomic physics.
"Atomic physics is the field of physics that studies atoms as an isolated system of electrons and an atomic nucleus. It is primarily concerned with the arrangement of electrons around the nucleus and the processes by which these arrangements change."[29]
"To cope with all reasonable ranges of dynamic thermal plasma in low- to medium-density plasma excluding short-period observations of the most highly impulsive events, the group of dominant populations is expanded to include low lying metastable states of ions and the collisional-radiative coefficients are renamed the generalized collisional-radiative coefficients."[30]
editBiophysics is an interdisciplinary science that uses the methods of, and theories from physics to study biological systems.[31]
"Finally, microflagellates were the dominant group in slope and basin regions of the model, where the different size classes of autotrophic flagellates constituted ~74% of the carbon biomass in August 1994 [Booth and Horner, 1997]."[32]
"In many sediments, the bacteria probably account for 90–99% of the biomass, thus making the prokaryotes by far the dominant group in terms of metabolic potential."[33]
"Statements regarding initial protofibril network are: (i) A dominant group of Aproto fibrils appears first."[34]
Chemical physics
editDef. "the science that studies chemical processes and phenomena from the point of view of physics"[35] is called chemical physics.
"Chemical physics is a subdiscipline of chemistry and physics that investigates physicochemical phenomena using techniques from atomic and molecular physics and condensed matter physics; it is the branch of physics that studies chemical processes from the point of view of physics. While at the interface of physics and chemistry, chemical physics is distinct from physical chemistry in that it focuses more on the characteristic elements and theories of physics. Meanwhile, physical chemistry studies the physical nature of chemistry."[36]
"In condensed matter physics, the Keldysh formalism is a general framework for describing the quantum mechanical evolution of a system in a non-equilibrium state, e.g. in the presence of time varying fields (an electrical field, a magnetic field, both, etc.). The main mathematical object in the Keldysh formalism is the non-equilibrium Green's function."[37]
In physics, a wave packet (or wave train) is a short "burst" or "envelope" of wave action that travels as a unit. A wave packet can be analyzed into, or can be synthesized from, an infinite set of component sinusoidal waves of different wavenumbers, with phases and amplitudes such that they interfere constructively only over a small region of space, and destructively elsewhere.[38]
Depending on the evolution equation, the wave packet's envelope may remain constant (no dispersion, see figure) or it may change (dispersion) while propagating. Quantum mechanics ascribes a special significance to the wave packet: it is interpreted to be a "probability wave" describing the probability that a particle or particles in a particular state will be measured to have a given position and momentum. It is in this way similar to the wave function.
With respect to dominance, "[t]he components with maximum velocity become increasingly dominant in the determination of the front of the wave packet."[39]
"[T]he dominant group velocity manifests as a linear dependence of the wave packet maxima with time."[39]
Classical mechanics
editDef. "all of the physical laws of nature that account for the behaviour of the normal world, but break down when dealing with the very small ... or the very fast or very heavy"[40] is called classical mechanics.
"During the Restoration, each time two theories presented radical differences in their structures the dominant group of physicists misinterpreted the theoretical differences as mere innovations to be derived from the old Newtonian RPM."[41]
Clinical physics
editDef. the physical observation prior to medical treatment of actual outpatients in a place or hospital department is called clinical physics.
Def. a small medical thermometer with a short, finely calibrated range, for taking a person's temperature is called a clinical thermometer.
"The difference with the area upon stimulation of the non-dominant eye was statistically significant in the right eye dominant group."[42]
"[T]he dominant eye actually activates a larger area of the primary visual cortex than the non-dominant eye."[42]
Condensed matter physics
editDef. the "field of physics dealing with the physical properties of solid or liquid matter"[43] is called condensed matter physics.
"Condensed matter physics is a branch of physics that deals with the physical properties of condensed phases of matter.[44]"[45]
"Thus, it does not appear to be the dominant group in the glass network."[46]
editDef. a "branch of science dealing with electrical phenomena"[47] is called electricity.
editDef. "a field of study ... that combines the aspects of electricity and magnetism"[48] is called electromagnetism.
Experimental physics
edit"[E]xperimental physics is the category of disciplines and sub-disciplines concerned with the observation of physical phenomena in order to gather data about the universe."[49]
editDef. "[a] branch of earth science dealing with the physical processes and phenomena occurring in the earth and in its vicinity"[50] is called geophysics.
"The dominant group frequency, Ip, which is the frequency of the peak energy over the time length tg."[51]
"The dominant group wave height, hp, which can be obtained from the time series as the maximum trough-to-crest wave height over the time length tg."[51]
editDef. a field of study that combines the "[r]esultant force on Earth's surface, of the attraction by the Earth's masses, and the centrifugal pseudo-force caused by the Earth's rotation [with] [g]ravitation, [a] universal force exercised by two bodies onto each other"[52] is called gravity.
"These values yield a dominant group velocity consistent with the Eady lee wave extension along the y axis in Fig. 5f: Cg ≈ (6 ; −20) ms−1."[53]
editHigh energy physics
editDef. physics that consists of theory, experiment, accelerators and detection-device technology to study high-energy interactions, usually at relativistic speeds, is called high-energy physics.
"The problems encountered in measuring quadrupole moments of sd shell nuclei are the low excitation cross sections and the difficulty of separating the inelastically scattered particles from the dominant group of elastically scattered projectiles."[54]
edit"Waters of “local” rainfall and imported, “Colorado” River aqueduct origins are easily distinguished from dominant, “native” Santa Ana river compositions by use of hydrogen and oxygen stable isotope analysis."[55]
"The Santa Ana river isotopic signature will also be shown to be nearly identical to that observed for the dominant group of Orange County groundwater wells sampled in this study".[55]
Materials physics
edit"Also, the characteristic emission bands originating from the transition 5 D 4 → 7 F J (J = 6, 5, 4, 3), with the transition 5 D 4 → 7 F 5 green emission as the dominant group are observed in the emission spectra of the pure Tb(III) complex (Tb-L) and the hybrid materials as shown".[56]
Metal physics
edit"There is in reality a distribution of magnetic cluster sizes although the smallest magnetic clusters will constitute the dominant group."[57]
Nuclear physics
editNotation: let the symbol ERDA stand for elastic recoil detection analysis.
"The dominant group in the lower half results from the first oxygen-bearing layer in the Si02(0.5 pm)/Al(0.5 pm)/Si02(0.5 pm)/Al(2.0 pm) target stack."[58]
Particle physics
editDef. "[a] branch of physics that studies the elementary constituents of matter and radiation, and the interactions between them"[59] is called particle physics.
"Interpretation of the results has customarily proceeded by assuming the WIMP interacts with only the dominant group of nucleons."[60]
edit"It seemed clear to me that academic physicists represented a 'dominant group'. Their values and interests shaped the traditional curriculum for school physics, and they had the power to control its content."[61]
"Perhaps thirty years is not long enough for examiners to adapt their methods to the circumstance that professional physicists and not school teachers are now the dominant group in their classes."[62]
"Professors of the MV Lomonosov Moscow State University make up the dominant group of authors."[63]
Plasma physics
edit"The dominant group of particles is especially vulnerable to local disturbances in the plasma created by a wave, by turbulence, or simply by particle collisions, which can disturb their phases or even untrap them."[64]
"The most dominant group of the Fourier modes with exists around the Mercier-unstable region, and other two groups with and extend from the Mercier-unstable region into the Mercier-stable region."[65]
Radiation physics
edit"In physics, X-waves are localized solutions of the wave equation that travel at a constant velocity in a given direction. X-waves can be sound, electromagnetic, or gravitational waves. They are built as a non-monochromatic superposition of Bessel beams. X-waves carry infinite energy. Electromagnetic X-waves travel faster than the speed of light. Finite-energy realizations have been observed in various frameworks. In optics, X-waves solution have been reported within a quantum mechanical formulation.[66]"[67]
"In physics, a nonlinear X-wave (NLX) is a multi-dimensional wave that can travel without distortion. At variance with X-waves, a nonlinear X-wave does exist in the presence of nonlinearity, and in many cases it self-generates from a Gaussian (in any direction) wave packet."[68]
"Nonlinear X waves are indeed stationary localized wave packets WP's which have shown to play a key role in the [spatiotemporal] ST dynamics in focusing media with normal group-velocity dispersion GVD or dominant group-velocity mismatch (GVM)".[69]
edit"The four dominant group of peaks coincide precisely with the frequencies of the diurnal, semidiurnal, 8 h and 6 h components of the gravitational tides."[70]
"The last principal arrival considered is the Rayleigh surface wave, R, which has a dominant group velocity of about 2.75 km/sec."[71]
Solid state physics
edit"Detailed examination of the calculations shows that although charged quartets can be neglected (xql < xqo) it is not possible for the neutral quartets to pick out a small dominant group of geometries."[72]
"The dominant group is (SiGe)SiH, at T, = 190 "C and is replaced by (Ge,)SiH, at T, = 250 "C."[73]
edit"Spintronics (a neologism meaning "spin transport electronics"[74][75]), also known as magnetoelectronics, is an emerging technology that exploits both the intrinsic spin of the electron and its associated magnetic moment, in addition to its fundamental electronic charge, in solid-state devices."[76]
"This group, the dominant group, is characterized by the lowest damping and the highest coupling to the pump field".[77]
edit"[I]n the first case there are dominant group-group interactions and in the second case dominant group-solvent interactions."[78]
edit- The most dominant group in physics are the married male PhD's who fund themselves.
See also
edit- ↑ Philip B. Gove, ed (1963). Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary. Springfield, Massachusetts: G. & C. Merriam Company. pp. 1221.
- ↑ (14 June 2004). "physics". San Francisco, California: Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Retrieved 23 August 2021.
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- ↑ Peter Mark Roget (1969). Lester V. Berrey and Gorton Carruth. ed. Roget's International Thesaurus, third edition. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. pp. 1258.
- ↑ Mariam Naqshbandi, Stewart B. Harris, James G. Esler, Fred Antwi-Nsiah (October 2008). "Global complication rates of type 2 diabetes in Indigenous peoples: A comprehensive review". Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 82 (1): 1-17. doi:10.1016/j.diabres.2008.07.017. Retrieved 2011-12-23.
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 Kei Nakamura (November 20, 2008). "Control of Laser Plasma Based Accelerators up to 1 GeV". Berkeley, California, USA: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Retrieved 2011-12-14.
- ↑ "Acoustics, In: Wikipedia". San Francisco, California: Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. June 18, 2012. Retrieved 2012-06-23.
- ↑ R. A. Belikov and V. M. Bel’kovich (July 2007). "Whistles of beluga whales in the reproductive gathering off Solovetskii Island in the White Sea". Acoustical Physics 53 (4): 528-34. doi:10.1134/S1063771007040148. Retrieved 2011-11-15.
- ↑ TenCate, J.A.; Muir, T.G.; Caiti, A.; Kristensen, A.; Manning, J.F.; Shooter, J.A.; Koch, R.A.; Michelozzi, E. (October 1995). "Beamforming on seismic interface waves with an array of geophones on the shallow sea floor". Oceanic Engineering, IEEE Journal of 20 (4): 300-10. doi:10.1109/48.468245. Retrieved 2011-11-28.
- ↑ Easwaran, V.; Craggs, A. (January/February 1996). "An application of acoustic finite element models to finding the reverberation times of irregular rooms". Acta Acustica united with Acustica 82 (1): 54-64. Retrieved 2011-11-28.
- ↑ "Agrophysics, In: Wikipedia". San Francisco, California: Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. March 14, 2013. Retrieved 2013-06-18.
- ↑ Agnieszka Budzynska, Elzbieta Szelag-Wasielewska (2006). "Species Richness and Spatial Heterogeneity of Spring Plankton in a Lake with Varying Morphometry". Acta Agrophysica 7 (2): 309-16.
- ↑ Alicja Księżopolska, Teresa Włodarczyk, Jan Gliński (2010). "Effect of Synthetic Organomineral Complexes on the Process of Respiration of a Haplic Luvisol". Teka Kom. Ochr. Kszt. Srod. Przyr. 7: 163-75. Retrieved 2012-01-16.
- ↑ "Applied Physics". ArticleWorld. Retrieved 10 September 2011.
- ↑ "Applied Physics at Caltech - Overview". Caltech. Retrieved 10 September 2011.
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- ↑ R M Davies (June 1956). "Stress waves in solids". British Journal of Applied Physics 7 (6): 203-9. doi:10.1088/0508-3443/7/6/302. Retrieved 2012-01-16.
- ↑ S. Kiravittaya, A. Rastelli and O. G. Schmidt (2006). "Photoluminescence from seeded three-dimensional InAs∕ GaAs quantum-dot crystals". Applied Physics Letters 88 (4): 043112-4. doi:10.1063/1.2168494. Retrieved 2012-01-16.
- ↑ Otwin Breitenstein, Jan Bauer, Thorsten Trupke, Robert A. Bardos (June 2008). "On the detection of shunts in silicon solar cells by photo‐ and electroluminescence imaging". Progress in Photovoltaics 16 (4): 325-30. doi:10.1002/pip.803. Retrieved 2012-01-16.
- ↑ Marshallsumter (December 16, 2011). "Astrophysics". Retrieved 2013-06-18.
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has generic name (help) - ↑ 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 Robert A. Donahue, Steven H. Saar, and Sallie L. Baliunas (July 1996). "A Relationship between Mean Rotation Period in Lower Main-Sequence Stars and Its Observed Range". The Astrophysical Journal 466 (7): 384-91. doi:10.1086/177517.
- ↑ Jörg R Hörandel, N N Kalmykov and A V Timokhin (April 2006). "The end of the galactic cosmic-ray energy spectrum-a phenomenological view". Journal of Physics: Conference Series 47 (1): 132-41. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/47/1/017. Retrieved 2011-12-31.
- ↑ 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 24.6 Gary A. Mamon (August 1986). "Are compact groups of galaxies physically dense?". The Astrophysical Journal 307 (8): 426-30. doi:10.1086/164431. Retrieved 2011-08-06.
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Further reading
edit- Kei Nakamura (November 20, 2008). "Control of Laser Plasma Based Accelerators up to 1 GeV". Berkeley, California, USA: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Retrieved 2011-12-14.
External links
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