Costs: intellectual effort, computer use time and resources, possible publication costs, a trip to a conference in a neat location.

Course Development by a Single Faculty Member
Project Director: (online) Wikiversity User: Marshallsumter Project Grant Period: Course host website:
(offline) as indicated in application package 5/1/2014-4/30/2016 Wikiversity
Computational Details/Notes Year 1 Year 2 Project Total
1. Salaries & Wages
Project Director Stipend $12,500 $12,500 $25,000
2. Fringe Benefits
Project Director (Social Security contribution) 13.333% of funded portion $1,667 $1,667 $3,334
3. Travel
Archives access (e.g. Library of Congress) 1 person, 2-days; $250 per diem x 2 days Airfare: $500 $1,000 $1,000 $2,000
Conference 1 person, 2-day conference; $250 per diem x 2 days Airfare: $500 $1,000 $1,000
4. Services
Photocopying Library or Interlibrary loan (ILL) $100 $100 $200
Local university library card $100 $100 $200
Journal article access (not available by ILL, archive access, or local library) $2,000 $2,000 $4,000
5. Publication
Page costs $2,000 $2,000
6. Supplies & Materials
7. Other costs
8. Total Direct Costs Per Year $16,700 $17,700 $34,400
9. Total Indirect Costs Per Year $2,004 $2,124 $4,128
Indirect Cost Calculation: Rate of 12% of direct cost per year
10. Total Project Costs (Direct and Indirect costs for entire project) 18,704 19,824 $38,528
11. Project Funding $38,528
a. Requested from NEH Outright: $38,528
Matching Funds: $0
Total Requested from NEH: $38,528
b. Cost Sharing Applicant's Contributions: $0
Third Party Contributions: $0
Project Income: $0
Other Federal Agencies: $0
Total Cost Share: $0
12. Total Project Funding $38,528