Doctor of Philosophy/Candidature/Knowledge

Completion of a PhD level of knowing also requires the development of other related skills and knowledge. When completing an OnPhD you will also be required to develop other skills and knowledge that may not be in direct relation to your domain of knowledge. Yet, they will be required for the completion of your research project and PhD. These additional skills and knowledge should be identified and credit awarded for their completion. A few of these could be;

  • Project Management
  • Programming (Software Carpentry)
  • Speaking and conference participation
  • Assisting in anothers related research
  • Other(s) identified by you
Any of your peers who have been awarded this badge, will be able to assess your work and award you the badge for completion of this task. Awarding this badge would be done through credly;

Dedicate a wiki page or a series of blog posts dedicated to your skills and knowledge development approach. Identify any additional online courses you may take to complete this task. Provide a link to this in this tasks discussion thread.


Any of your peers who have been awarded this badge, will be able to assess your work and award you the badge for completion of this task. Awarding this badge would be done through credly;