Doctor of Philosophy/Candidature/Contribution

What of considerable significance are you going to contribute to your chosen subject domain of knowledge?

  1. Detail your ideas around a significant contribution. (remember this can be altered as your knowledge of the domain of study deepens, it is an iterative process)
  2. How are you going to publish?
  3. Where will you engage your network of peers and mentors?
  4. How is your work going to be peer reviewed?
  5. How are your findings and data going to be published in the open?
  6. Describe how you know you are finished.
Any of your peers who have been awarded this badge, will be able to assess your work and award you the badge for completion of this task. Awarding this badge would be done through credly;

Provide an outline of the intended project for the ON PhD, and evidence that the candidate knows the present situation and context for your project (acknowledges prior work, has the seeds of a question and its justification - such as understanding the projects epistemological and ontological bases)

Add to your portfolio site the artifacts that show your completion of the above tasks. Provide a link to this in this tasks discussion thread.


Any of your peers who have been awarded this badge, will be able to assess your work and award you the badge for completion of this task. Awarding this badge would be done through credly;