Distance Learning/Virtual Teamwork

Virtual Teamwork
WS 2021
This course takes place within the framework of the bachelor's degree program IBW of the FH Vorarlberg and it is exclusively aimed at the students of this course at the FHV.
edit- Dr. Falko Wilms I homepage | klick & mail
- Jonathan Jancsary, MA BA I homepage | klick & mail
editDue to Corona, the students of the FH Vorarlberg have already shown that they are able to us various tools in order to embrace virtual communication and virtual teamwork. Therefore, the course Virtual Teamwork will focus on the reflection about those experiences made during the last 1,5 years of having witnessed countless transformational processes from analog communication to digital communication. This means:
- Part-time students: There will be only one meeting at all for this course on September 24th, 2021, and that one will be an online course with Falko Wilms!
- Full-time students: There will be two meetings for this course, and both will happen physically at the Fachhochschule. First, all full-time students will meet with Jonathan Jancsary on September 24th, 2021, and then there will be a second physical meeting for group 1 on October 6th and group 2 on October 7th.
- Beyond that, there won't be other physical meetings, only voluntary virtual meeting opportunities.
- A graded substitute performance in the form of an individual reflection paper is required.
To successfully pass the course students have to create an individual text of about 5 pages according to this template which must [!] be used
- Describe on 5 pages in this template a concrete situation from your everyday life (BB: from your professional life; VZ: from your student life at the FH) in which you had to change from analog to digital communication. In order to reach a certain depths, it is mandatory to write this reflection paper in German language.
- This task basically involves three levels:
- (i) Describe such a mentioned situation as clearly and comprehensibly as possible,
- (ii) analyze this situation in depth; if necessary you may use the literature from the ILIAS folder "Fachliteratur" in order to help you reflect, and
- (iii) develop 4 basic, well-founded recommendations for a successful transmission from an analog to a digital communication situation. Summarize your tips in a Twitter tweet (max. 280 text characters) and put this one below the final version of the reflection papier.
- File your written work in the ILIAS folder "Schriftliche Arbeiten" provided for this purpose by 02.11.2021 at the latest.
Please note:
Reflection papers will be graded only, if they list the autor's name, are written in the correct template and are uploaded into the ILIAS folder "Schriftliche Arbeiten" until November 2nd.