Digital technology projects/academic disciplines relativity S:BJ

Fill out the following outline of disciplines impacted by digital technology.


(adapted from references seen below, and modified as outline here)

Specifically in reference to adaptations via web (page orientated Internet schemes), and consumption of media.




Nowadays, online academia involves vast networks of databases, information repositories, interpersonal networks, and discipline-oriented interfaces.

Academic genealogy


Academic disciplines are constantly advancing digital technology relationships, which lead to stable residency within digital culture.



Multidisciplinary approach








Classification of Instructional Programs


Joint Academic Coding System


Fields of doctoral studies


Outline of academic disciplines and fields



Performing arts

Visual arts


Languages and literature




Social sciences




Human geography

Political science



Social Work

Natural Sciences



Earth science

Space sciences


Formal Sciences

Computer Science



Applied Sciences


Engineering and technology

Medicine and health

See also


External links



Performing arts

Music (outline) Accompanying

Chamber music, Conducting, Choral conducting, Orchestral conducting, Wind ensemble conducting, Early music, Jazz studies (outline) Musical composition Music education Music history Musicology Historical musicology Systematic musicology Ethnomusicology Music theory Orchestral studies Organology Organ and historical keyboards Piano Strings, harp, oud, and guitar (outline) Singing Woodwinds, brass, and percussion


Dance (outline) Choreography Dance notation Ethnochoreology History of dance

Television (outline) Television studies

Theatre (outline) Acting Directing Dramaturgy History Musical theatre Playwrighting Puppetry Scenography Stage design Ventriloquism

Film (outline) Animation Film criticism Filmmaking Film theory Live action

Visual arts

Fine arts

Graphic arts Drawing (outline) Painting (outline) Photography (outline) Sculpture (outline) Applied arts Animation Calligraphy Decorative arts Mixed media Printmaking Studio art Architecture (Outline of architecture) Interior architecture

Landscape architecture Landscape design Landscape planning

Architectural analytics Historic preservation Interior design (interior architecture) Technical drawing


African history American history Ancient history

Ancient Egypt Carthage Ancient Greek history (outline) Ancient Roman history (outline) Assyrian Civilization Bronze Age Civilizations Biblical history History of the Indus Valley Civilization Preclassic Maya History of Mesopotamia The Stone Age History of the Yangtze civilization History of the Yellow River civillization

Asian history Chinese history Indian history (outline) Indonesian history Iranian history

Australian history Ecclesiastical history of the Catholic Church Economic history Environmental history European history

Intellectual history Jewish history Latin American history Modern history History of philosophy

Ancient philosophy Contemporary philosophy Medieval philosophy

Humanism (outline) Scholasticism

Modern philosophy Political history Pre-Columbian era Russian history History of culture Scientific history Technological history World history Public history

Languages and literature

Linguistics (Outline of linguistics) Applied linguistics Composition studies Computational linguistics Discourse analysis English studies Etymology Grammar Historical linguistics History of linguistics Interlinguistics Lexicology Linguistic typology Morphology (linguistics) Natural language processing Philology Phonetics Phonology Pragmatics Psycholinguistics Rhetoric Semantics Semiotics (outline) Sociolinguistics Syntax Usage Word usage

Comparative literature

Creative writing Fiction (outline) Non-fiction

English literature

History of literature Medieval literature Post-colonial literature Post-modern literature

Literary theory Critical theory (outline) Literary criticism Poetics


World literature African-American literature American literature British literature


Administrative law Canon law

Civil law Admiralty law Animal law/Animal rights Civil procedure Common law Contract law Corporations Environmental law Family law Federal law International law

Public international law

Supranational law Labor law Property law Tax law Tort law (outline) Comparative law Competition law Constitutional law Criminal law

Criminal justice (outline) Criminal procedure Forensic science (outline) Police science

Islamic law Jewish law (outline) Jurisprudence (Philosophy of Law) Legal management

Commercial law

Corporate law Procedural law Substantive law


Aesthetics (outline) Applied philosophy Philosophy of economics Philosophy of education Philosophy of engineering Philosophy of history Philosophy of language Philosophy of law Philosophy of mathematics Philosophy of music Philosophy of psychology Philosophy of religion Philosophy of physical sciences

Philosophy of biology Philosophy of chemistry Philosophy of physics

Philosophy of social science Philosophy of technology Systems philosophy

Epistemology (outline) Justification Reasoning errors

Ethics (outline) Applied ethics Animal rights Bioethics Environmental ethics

Meta-ethics Moral psychology, Descriptive ethics, Value theory Normative ethics

Virtue ethics Logic (outline) Mathematical logic Philosophical logic Meta-philosophy Metaphysics (outline) Philosophy of Action Determinism and Free will Ontology Philosophy of mind Philosophy of pain Philosophy of artificial intelligence Philosophy of perception Philosophy of space and time Teleology Theism and Atheism

Philosophical traditions and schools African philosophy Analytic philosophy Aristotelianism Continental philosophy Eastern philosophy Feminist philosophy Platonism

Social philosophy and political philosophy Anarchism (outline) Feminist philosophy Libertarianism (outline) Marxism


Biblical studies Religious studies Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Greek, Aramaic Buddhist theology Christian theology

Anglican theology Baptist theology Catholic theology Eastern Orthodox theology Protestant theology

Hindu theology Jewish theology Muslim theology

Social sciences


Biological anthropology Linguistic anthropology Cultural anthropology Social anthropology



Agricultural economics

Anarchist economics Applied economics Behavioural economics Bioeconomics Complexity economics Computational economics Consumer economics Development economics Ecological economics Econometrics Economic geography Economic sociology Economic systems Education economics Energy economics Entrepreneurial economics Environmental economics Evolutionary economics Experimental economics Feminist economics Financial econometrics Financial economics Green economics Growth economics Human development theory Industrial organization Information economics Institutional economics International economics Islamic economics Labor economics Law and economics Macroeconomics Managerial economics Marxian economics Mathematical economics Microeconomics Monetary economics Neuroeconomics Participatory economics Political economy Public economics Public finance Real estate economics Resource economics Social choice theory Socialist economics Socioeconomics Transport economics Welfare economics

Human geography

Behavioral geography Cognitive geography Cultural geography Development geography Economic geography Health geography Historical geography Language geography Marketing geography Military geography Political geography Population geography Religion geography Social geography Strategic geography Time geography Tourism geography Transport geography Urban geography

Political science

American politics Canadian politics Civics Comparative politics European studies Geopolitics (Political geography) International relations International organizations Nationalism studies Peace and conflict studies Policy studies Political behavior Political culture Political economy Political history Political philosophy

Public administration Public law Psephology Social choice theory


Abnormal psychology Applied psychology Biological psychology Clinical neuropsychology Clinical psychology Cognitive psychology Community psychology Comparative psychology Conservation psychology Consumer psychology Counseling psychology Criminal psychology Cultural psychology

Asian psychology

Black psychology Developmental psychology Differential psychology Ecological psychology Educational psychology Environmental psychology Evolutionary psychology Experimental psychology Group psychology Family psychology Feminine psychology Forensic developmental psychology Forensic psychology Health psychology Humanistic psychology Indigenous psychology Legal psychology Mathematical psychology Media psychology Medical psychology Military psychology Moral psychology and Descriptive ethics Music psychology Neuropsychology Occupational health psychology Occupational psychology Organizational psychology Parapsychology (outline) Pediatric psychology Pedology (children study) Personality psychology Phenomenology Political psychology Positive psychology Psychoanalysis Psychobiology Psychology of religion Psychometrics Psychopathology

Child psychopathology Psychophysics Quantitative psychology Rehabilitation psychology School psychology Social psychology Sport psychology Traffic psychology Transpersonal psychology


Analytical sociology

Applied sociology Leisure studies Political sociology Public sociology Social engineering

Architectural sociology

Area studies African studies American studies

Appalachian studies Canadian studies Latin American studies

Asian studies Central Asian studies East Asian studies Indology Iranian studies Japanese studies Korean studies Pakistan studies Sindhology Sinology (outline) Southeast Asian studies Thai studies

Australian studies

European studies Celtic studies German studies Sociology in Poland Scandinavian studies Slavic studies

Middle Eastern studies Arab studies Assyriology Egyptology Jewish studies

Behavioral sociology Collective behavior Social movements Community informatics

Social network analysis Comparative sociology Conflict theory Criminology/Criminal justice (outline) Critical management studies Critical sociology Cultural sociology

Cultural studies/ethnic studies Africana studies Cross-cultural studies Culturology Deaf studies Ethnology Utopian studies Whiteness studies

Demography/Population Digital sociology Dramaturgical sociology Economic sociology Educational sociology Empirical sociology Environmental sociology Evolutionary sociology Feminist sociology Figurational sociology Futures studies (outline) Gender studies

Men's studies

Women's studies Historical sociology Human ecology Humanistic sociology Industrial sociology Interactionism Interpretive sociology

Ethnomethodology Phenomenology Social constructionism Symbolic interactionism

Jealousy sociology Macrosociology Marxist sociology Mathematical sociology Medical sociology Mesosociology Microsociology Military sociology Natural resource sociology Organizational studies Phenomenological sociology Policy sociology Psychoanalytic sociology Science studies/Science and technology studies



Human sexual behavior

Human sexuality (outline) Queer studies/Queer theory

Sex education

Social capital Social change Social conflict theory Social control

Pure sociology Social economy Social philosophy Social policy Social psychology Social stratification Social theory Social transformation

Computational sociology

Economic sociology/Socioeconomics

Economic development

Social development

Sociobiology Sociocybernetics Sociolinguistics Sociology of aging Sociology of agriculture Sociology of art Sociology of autism Sociology of childhood Sociology of conflict Sociology of culture Sociology of cyberspace Sociology of development Sociology of deviance Sociology of disaster Sociology of education Sociology of emotions Sociology of fatherhood Sociology of finance Sociology of food Sociology of gender Sociology of generations Sociology of globalization Sociology of government Sociology of health and illness Sociology of human consciousness Sociology of immigration Sociology of knowledge Sociology of language Sociology of law Sociology of leisure Sociology of literature Sociology of markets Sociology of marriage Sociology of motherhood Sociology of music Sociology of natural resources Sociology of organizations Sociology of peace, war, and social conflict Sociology of punishment Sociology of race and ethnic relations Sociology of religion Sociology of risk Sociology of science Sociology of scientific knowledge Sociology of social change Sociology of social movements Sociology of space Sociology of sport Sociology of technology Sociology of terrorism Sociology of the body Sociology of the family Sociology of the history of science Sociology of the Internet Sociology of work Sociomusicology Structural sociology Theoretical sociology Urban studies or Urban sociology/Rural sociology Victimology Visual sociology

Social Work

Clinical Social Work Community practice Mental health

Psychosocial rehabilitation Person-centered therapy Family therapy Financial social work

Natural Sciences Biology


Anatomy Comparative anatomy Human anatomy (outline) Biochemistry (outline) Bioinformatics Biophysics (outline) Biotechnology (outline) Botany (outline) Ethnobotany


Cell biology (outline) Chronobiology

Computational biology


Developmental biology



Ecology (outline) Agroecology Ethnoecology Human ecology Landscape ecology

Endocrinology Evolutionary biology Genetics (outline) Behavioural genetics Molecular genetics Population genetics

Histology Human biology Immunology (outline) Limnology Linnaean taxonomy

Marine biology Mathematical biology Microbiology Molecular biology Mycology Neuroscience (outline) Behavioral neuroscience Nutrition (outline) Paleobiology

Paleontology Parasitology Pathology

Anatomical pathology Clinical pathology Dermatopathology Forensic pathology Hematopathology Histopathology Molecular pathology Surgical pathology

Physiology Human physiology

Exercise physiology Structural Biology Systematics (Taxonomy) Systems biology Virology

Molecular virology Xenobiology

Zoology (outline) Animal communications Apiology Arachnology Carcinology Cetology Entomology

Forensic entomology Ethnozoology Ethology Helminthology Herpetology Ichthyology (outline) Mammalogy Malacology

Conchology Myrmecology (outline) Nematology Neuroethology Oology Ornithology (outline) Planktology Primatology Zootomy Zoosemiotics


Agrochemistry Analytical chemistry Astrochemistry Atmospheric chemistry Biochemistry (outline) Chemical biology Chemical engineering (outline) Cheminformatics Computational chemistry Cosmochemistry Electrochemistry Environmental chemistry Femtochemistry Flavor Flow chemistry Geochemistry Green chemistry

Histochemistry Hydrogenation Immunochemistry Inorganic chemistry Marine chemistry Mathematical chemistry Mechanochemistry Medicinal chemistry Molecular biology Molecular mechanics Nanotechnology Natural product chemistry Neurochemistry Oenology Organic chemistry (outline) Organometallic chemistry Petrochemistry Pharmacology Photochemistry Physical chemistry Physical organic chemistry Phytochemistry Polymer chemistry Quantum chemistry Radiochemistry Solid-state chemistry Sonochemistry Supramolecular chemistry Surface chemistry Synthetic chemistry Theoretical chemistry Thermochemistry

Earth science

Edaphology Environmental chemistry Environmental science Gemology Geochemistry Geodesy Physical geography (outline) Atmospheric science / Meteorology (outline) Biogeography / Phytogeography Climatology / Paleoclimatology / Palaeogeography Coastal geography / Oceanography Edaphology / Pedology or Soil science Geobiology Geology (outline) (Geomorphology, Mineralogy, Petrology, Sedimentology, Speleology, Tectonics, Volcanology) Geostatistics Glaciology Hydrology (outline)/ Limnology / Hydrogeology Landscape ecology Quaternary science

Geophysics (outline) Paleontology

Paleobiology Paleoecology

Space sciences Astrobiology Astronomy (outline) Observational astronomy

Gamma ray astronomy Infrared astronomy Microwave astronomy Optical astronomy Radio astronomy UV astronomy X-ray astronomy


Gravitational astronomy

Black holes

Interstellar medium Numerical simulations

Astrophysical plasma Galaxy formation and evolution High-energy astrophysics Hydrodynamics Magnetohydrodynamics Star formation

Physical cosmology Stellar astrophysics

Helioseismology Stellar evolution

Stellar nucleosynthesis Planetary science

Physics Acoustics Aerodynamics Applied physics Astrophysics Atomic, molecular, and optical physics Biophysics (outline) Computational physics Condensed matter physics Cryogenics Electricity Electromagnetism Elementary particle physics Experimental physics Fluid dynamics Geophysics (outline) Mathematical physics Mechanics Medical physics Molecular physics Newtonian dynamics Nuclear physics Optics Plasma physics Quantum physics Solid mechanics Solid state physics Statistical mechanics Theoretical physics Thermal physics Thermodynamics

Formal Sciences Computer Science Also a branch of electrical engineering

Logic in computer science Formal methods (Formal verification) Logic programming Multi-valued logic

Fuzzy logic Programming language semantics Type theory

Algorithms Computational geometry Distributed algorithms Parallel algorithms Randomized algorithms

Artificial intelligence (outline) Cognitive science Automated reasoning Computer vision (outline) Machine learning

Artificial neural network Support vector machine

Natural language processing (Computational linguistics) Expert systems Robotics (outline) Data structures Computer architecture Computer graphics

Image processing Scientific visualization

Computer communications (networks) Cloud computing Information theory Internet, World Wide Web Ubiquitous computing Wireless computing (Mobile computing) Computer security and reliability Cryptography Fault-tolerant computing

Computing in mathematics, natural sciences, engineering, and medicine

Algebraic (symbolic) computation

Computational biology (bioinformatics)

Computational chemistry

Computational mathematics

Computational neuroscience

Computational number theory

Computational physics

Computer-aided engineering

Computational fluid dynamics

Finite element analysis

Numerical analysis

Scientific computing (Computational science) Computing in social sciences, arts, humanities, and professions

Community informatics

Computational economics

Computational finance

Computational sociology

Digital humanities (Humanities computing) History of computer hardware

History of computer science (outline) Humanistic informatics

Database (outline) Distributed database

Object database

Relational database

Data management

Data mining

Information architecture

Information management

Information retrieval

Knowledge management

Multimedia, hypermedia

Sound and music computing Distributed computing Grid computing Human-computer interaction Operating systems Parallel computing High-performance computing

Programming languages Compilers Programming paradigms

Concurrent programming Functional programming Imperative programming Logic programming Object-oriented programming

Program semantics

Type theory Quantum computing Software engineering

Formal methods (Formal verification) Theory of computation Automata theory (Formal languages) Computability theory Computational complexity theory Concurrency theory

VLSI design

Mathematics Pure mathematics

Mathematical logic and Foundations of mathematics Intuitionistic logic Modal logic Model theory Proof theory Recursion theory Set theory Algebra (outline) Associative algebra Category theory

Topos theory Differential algebra Field theory Group theory

Group representation Homological algebra K-theory Lattice theory (Order theory) Lie algebra Linear algebra (Vector space) Multilinear algebra Non-associative algebra Representation theory Ring theory

Commutative algebra Noncommutative algebra Universal algebra

Analysis Complex analysis Functional analysis

Operator theory Harmonic analysis

Fourier analysis Non-standard analysis Ordinary differential equations p-adic analysis Partial differential equations Real analysis

Calculus (outline) Probability theory Ergodic theory Measure theory Integral geometry Stochastic process

Geometry (outline) and Topology Affine geometry Algebraic geometry Algebraic topology Convex geometry Differential topology Discrete geometry Finite geometry Galois geometry General topology Geometric topology Integral geometry Noncommutative geometry Non-Euclidean geometry Projective geometry

Number theory Algebraic number theory Analytic number theory Arithmetic combinatorics Geometric number theory

Applied mathematics

Approximation theory Combinatorics (outline) Coding theory Cryptography Dynamical systems

Chaos theory

Fractal geometry Game theory Graph theory Information theory Mathematical physics

Quantum field theory Quantum gravity

String theory Quantum mechanics Statistical mechanics

Numerical analysis

Operations research Assignment problem Decision analysis Dynamic programming Inventory theory Linear programming Mathematical optimization Optimal maintenance Real options analysis Scheduling Stochastic processes Systems analysis

Statistics (outline) Actuarial science Demography Econometrics Mathematical statistics Data visualization

Theory of computation Computational complexity theory

Statistics Astrostatistics Biostatistics

Applied Sciences Business

Accounting Business management Finance Marketing Operations management

Engineering and technology Chemical Engineering

Bioengineering Biochemical engineering Biomolecular engineering

Catalysis Materials engineering

Molecular engineering Nanotechnology Polymer engineering Process design

Petroleum engineering Nuclear engineering Food engineering

Process engineering Reaction engineering Thermodynamics Transport phenomena

Civil Engineering

Coastal engineering Earthquake engineering Ecological engineering Environmental engineering Geotechnical engineering

Engineering geology

Hydraulic engineering Mining engineering Transportation engineering

Highway engineering Structural engineering

Architectural engineering Structural mechanics Surveying

Educational Technology

Instructional design Distance education Instructional simulation

Human performance technology Knowledge management

Electrical Engineering

Applied physics Computer engineering (outline) Computer science Control systems engineering

Control theory Electronic engineering Instrumentation engineering

Engineering physics

Photonics Information theory Mechatronics Power engineering Quantum computing Robotics (outline) Semiconductors Telecommunications engineering

Materials Science and Engineering

Biomaterials Ceramic engineering Crystallography Nanomaterials Photonics Physical Metallurgy Polymer engineering Polymer science Semiconductors

Mechanical Engineering

Aerospace engineering Aeronautics Astronautics

Acoustical engineering Automotive engineering Biomedical engineering

Biomechanical engineering

Neural engineering Continuum mechanics Fluid mechanics Heat transfer Industrial engineering Manufacturing engineering Marine engineering Mass transfer Mechatronics Nanoengineering Ocean engineering Optical engineering Robotics Thermodynamics

Systems science

Chaos theory Complex systems Conceptual systems Control theory

Affect control theory Control engineering Control systems Dynamical systems Perceptual control theory

Cybernetics Biocybernetics Engineering cybernetics Management cybernetics Medical cybernetics New Cybernetics Second-order cybernetics Sociocybernetics

Network science Operations research Systems biology

Computational systems biology Synthetic biology Systems immunology Systems neuroscience

System dynamics Social dynamics Systems ecology Ecosystem ecology

Systems engineering Biological systems engineering Earth systems engineering and management Enterprise systems engineering Systems analysis

Systems psychology Ergonomics Family systems theory Systemic therapy

Systems theory Biochemical systems theory Ecological systems theory Developmental systems theory General systems theory Living systems theory LTI system theory Mathematical system theory Sociotechnical systems theory World-systems theory

Systems theory in anthropology

Medicine and health Alternative medicine Audiology Clinical laboratory sciences/Clinical pathology/Laboratory medicine

Clinical biochemistry Cytogenetics Cytohematology Cytology (outline) Haemostasiology Histology Clinical immunology Clinical microbiology Molecular genetics Parasitology

Clinical physiology

Dentistry (outline) Dental hygiene and epidemiology Dental surgery Endodontics Implantology Oral and maxillofacial surgery Orthodontics Periodontics Prosthodontics

Dermatology Emergency medicine (outline) Epidemiology Geriatrics Gynaecology Health informatics/Clinical informatics Hematology Infectious disease

Intensive care medicine Internal medicine Cardiology

Cardiac electrophysiology Endocrinology Gastroenterology Hepatology Nephrology Neurology Oncology Pulmonology Rheumatology

Medical toxicology Music therapy Nursing Nutrition (outline) and dietetics Obstetrics (outline) Occupational hygiene Occupational therapy Occupational toxicology Ophthalmology

Neuro-ophthalmology Optometry Otolaryngology Pathology Pediatrics Pharmaceutical sciences


Physical fitness Group Fitness / aerobics Kinesiology / Exercise science / Human performance Personal fitness training

Physical therapy Physiotherapy Podiatry Preventive medicine Primary care

General practice Psychiatry (outline) Forensic psychiatry

Psychology (outline) Public health Radiology

Recreational therapy Rehabilitation medicine

Respiratory therapy Sleep medicine Speech-language pathology Sports medicine Surgery

Bariatric surgery Cardiothoracic surgery Neurosurgery Orthoptics Orthopedic surgery Plastic surgery Trauma surgery Traumatology

Traditional medicine Urology Andrology Veterinary medicine

