Digital Humanities Syllabus

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Digital humanities syllabus is a type of academic course outline/site that relates to the study of digital humanities. The DH syllabus course information sites are used by academic communities and DH practitioners. These sites play a vital role in supporting the DH scholarship and providing means for sharing key bibliographic content and academic knowledge.

Conceptually, the digital humanities is an interdisciplinary field that blends information studies with humanities discourse.[1] The syllabus is an instructive "course road map / contract" that students ought to follow and fulfill throughout the duration of a course term. The DH syllabi can be found in institutional repositories, on dedicated course blogs, and DH academics' sites.

Increasingly, the DH syllabus content is available through open access institutional blogs and sites. Beside the instructional use, the DH syllabus course sites enable the DH community to promote and share useful educational materials and internet resources.

In higher education, the DH syllabus serves as a practical course guide for students to navigate institutional policies, course information, and learning resources.[2] In academic community, the DH syllabus contributes to the advancement of the DH scholarship through online publishing of course outlines (open learning movement), sharing of bibliographic data, modeling of curricula, and mapping of central themes, theory and practice.

Digital Humanities Syllabi


This table lists examples of DH syllabi across different institutions:

The United States

Institution Course Code Title Year Term Author PDF DH themes Home Overview Schedule Misc
MIT CMS.633 / CMS.833 Digital Humanities 2015 spring Dr. Kurt Fendt PDF data mining, data visualization, design process Home Overview Schedule No
Rutgers University 350:509 Literary Data: Some Approaches 2015 spring Prof. Andrew Goldstone PDF literary data, history of DH, sociology of forms Home Overview Schedule Slides
The University of Arizona ENGL596K Methods and Materials of Literary Research: Introduction to DH Methods for Literary and Cultural Studies 2014 fall Prof. Scott Selisker PDF archives, social network analysis Home Overview Schedule No
UC Santa Barbara English 197 Hacking Literary Interpretation: Using Digital Methods to Read Literature (A Collaborative Project Seminar) 2015 spring Prof. Alan Liu No text in the digital age, distant reading, social network analysis Home Overview Schedule Guides to DH
UC Santa Barbara English 149 "Literature+" Experimenting With Digital Approaches to Understanding Literature 2014 fall Prof. Alan Liu No close reading, distant reading, mapping literature, encoding literature Home Overview Schedule Guides to DH
UC Santa Barbara English 236 Digital Humanities: Introduction to the Field 2014 fall Prof. Alan Liu No the state of the field, text encoding, text analysis, digital visualization Home Overview Schedule Guides to DH
UC Santa Barbara English 197 Close Reading and Distant Reading in Literary Studies 2014 winter Prof. Alan Liu No text analysis, social network analysis, mapping and GIS Home Overview Schedule Guides to DH
UC Santa Barbara English 113MI Modern Literary Theory 2014 winter Prof. Alan Liu No the formalist heritage, poststructuralism, cultural criticism Home Overview Schedule Guides to DH
UC Santa Barbara English 25 Introduction to the Culture of Information 2007 spring Prof. Alan Liu No information revolutions, information as work and power, identity Home Overview Schedule URLs
UC Santa Barbara English 236 Landscape and the Social Imaginary: Romantic Landscape and Cyberspace 2007 winter Prof. Alan Liu No romantic landscape, new forms of landscape Home Overview Schedule No
UC Santa Barbara English 194 New Modes of Authorship: Creativity and Collaboration, 1800-2000 2006 spring Prof. Alan Liu No authorship, collaboration, creativity Home Overview Schedule No
USF LIT6934 Digital Humanities in the Age of Eversion 2017 spring Prof. Steven Jones No cyberspace and its eversion, data analysis, digitization Home Overview Schedule No
George Mason University HIST680 Introduction to Digital Humanities - online course 2015 fall Dr. Stephen Robertson No digitization, databases, searches, humanities on the web, digital tools Home Overview Schedule No
MIT 21W.764J / CMS.609J / CMS.846 The Word Made Digital 2017 spring Nick Montfort No creative computing on text, digital writing Home Overview Schedule No
MIT 21W.750 Experimental Writing 2016 fall Nick Montfort No computer-generated books, serial digital texts Home Overview Schedule No
MIT 21W.765J / 21L.489J / CMS.845 Interactive Narrative 2017 spring Nick Montfort No narrative and life, electronic literature Home Overview Schedule No
MIT School for Poetic Computation Code and Platform 2016 summer Nick Montfort No exploratory programming, computing platforms, history Home Overview Schedule No
NC State University IP295 Humanities Physical Computing 2011 fall David M Rieder PDF Arduino prototyping platform, processing programming language No No No No
Syracuse University ENG630 “Digital Humanities”: Emerging Debates in Literary Study 2012 spring Chris Forster PDF digitization and cosequences, distant reading, Franco Moretti Home Overview Schedule GitHub syllabus
Emory University English 389 Introduction to Digital Humanities 2011 fall Dr. Brian Croxall PDF histories, mapping DH, reading on a networked device, reading in a network Home Overview Schedule No
Virginia Tech ENGL 5074 Introduction to Digital Humanities 2015 fall Quinn Warnick No theoretical foundations, comparative textual media, macroanalysis Home Overview Schedule Resources
Pratt Institute INFO 657 Digital Humanities 2021 spring Chris Alen Sula PDF traditional and digital humanities, higher education, digital preservation Home Overview Schedule No
Pratt Institute INFO 658 Information Visualization 2021 spring Chris Alen Sula PDF cognition and visual perception, aesthetics of visual media, visualization Home Overview Schedule No
Pratt Institute INFO 659 Advanced Projects in Digital Humanities 2020 fall Chris Alen Sula PDF digital humanities, project management Home Overview Schedule No
LMC Georgia Tech LMC 3206 Studies in Communication and Culture: Data 2013 spring Professor Lauren Klein PDF what is data?, visualizing data, the future of data Home Overview Schedule Tools
LMC Georgia Tech LMC 3314/8803 Technologies of Representation: Media, Materiality, and Archives 2016 spring Professor Lauren Klein PDF archives, media, digital materiality Home Overview Schedule No
LMC Georgia Tech LMC 2000 Introduction to Literature, Media, and Communication 2015 fall Professor Lauren Klein PDF textual analysis methods, classical period, eighteenth century, the contemporary Home Overview Schedule No
SJSU School of Information LIBR220-03 / LIBR220-12 Introduction to Digital Humanities 2012 fall Dr. Katherine D. Harris No libraries in the digital age, open access, digital literacy, preservation Home Overview Schedule No
SJSU School of Information English 190 Digital Literature: The Death of Print Culture? 2010 fall Dr. Katherine D. Harris No print culture, e-books, digital literature, gaming & adaptation Home Overview Schedule Reference/ Readings


  1. Senchyne, Jonathan (2016). "Between Knowledge and Metaknowledge: Shifting Disciplinary Borders in Digital Humanities and Library and Information Studies". In Gold, Matthew K.; Klein, Lauren F.. Debates in the Digital Humanities. University of Minnesota Press. 
  2. Selisker, Scott (2016). "Digital Humanities Knowledge: Reflections on the Introductory Graduate Syllabus". In Gold, Matthew K.; Klein, Lauren F.. Debates in the Digital Humanities. University of Minnesota Press.