Developmental psychology/Chapter 14 & 15/New Cognitive Development

New cognitive developments are actually possible in the later stages of adulthood.

  • What Erik Erikson and Abraham Maslow found out were different for each psychologist. Erikson found that older adults were interested in arts, children and the social aspects of the world. The "integrity vs despair" stage is the wrapping of all the strengths that one has developed over their lifetime. Maslow rejected age-based stages and backed up self-actualization, where, most likely older individuals, one realizes creative and philosophical understandings (this was the last stage of the hierarchy of needs pyramid).
  • The elderly are actually capable of learning/re-learning information if it tailors to their motivations and ability.
  • The elderly, as previously mentioned, may be more interested in the arts. They may be exceptional in the arts or they may find enjoyment. When other brain functions "turn off", the appreciation for music increases - thereby improving brain health and resilience to adversities. In one's life review, either written down or orally expressed, they are usually positive.
  • Although contrary to popular thinking, wisdom does not increase with age. Parts of wisdom include integrity, one's life review, and self-actualization. Elders naturally attain wisdom as they've gone through life experiences, learned from them, and sought to understand more of the "what and how" of the "meaning of life".