Decision Support System for Health

This learning resource is a use-case driven to explain more general concepts. It follows the Open Community Approach to use Open Source, Open Data and Wikiversity as Open Educational Resources to learn about the generic Decision Support Systems for Health. It uses the following major steps in the learning resource and feel be invited as learner to add to learning resourcs

DSS for Accident due to Venomous and Poisonous Animals


Learn about Prevention and Treatment of Accidents due to Venomous and Poisonous Animals. Follow the link for an Decision Support System.

Target Group


Health Professionals

Learning Objective

  • Learn to apply the OpenAccess VAPA-Guide in Health Care Facilities as Decision Support System,
  • How can Low-Cost Technology or available IT-Infrastructure can be used to provide access e.g. to the VAPA-Guide.
  • Explore the concept of F-Droid as Open Source Software repository, that allows to share software from mobile device to mobile device even without internet access. Apply this concept to the VAPA guide and discuss challenges and benefits of that approach!

Features of VAPA-Guide

  • use HTML5 Application to extract geolocation relevant elements from a VAPA service and use it offline in remote areas.

See also
