Data Networking/Fall 2014/Shalini/VPN

Virtual Private Network (VPN)


VPN is a service that authorizes us to access a private network from outside that is Internet . A user from outside can access the private network with same priorities as are given to a root user in a private network. The VPN is established when the remote client when it enters the SSID and the password of the access network. Therefore, we can say that VPN is accessed with a secured connection.

VPN Configuration


1. Installating the pptp server

 sudo apt-get install pptpd

2. Coniguring the pptpd file

 sudo nano /etc/pptpd.conf

In this file we need to update the IP of the server and the IP of the client

3.Configuring the DNS server

The DNS is configured for the scenario when the clients try to connect to pptp server.

  Sudo nano /etc/ppp/pptpd-options

4. Updating the VPN users in the chap-secrets file

  Sudo nano /etc/ppp/chap-secrets

5. On configuring the pptp server,it has to be restarted so that all the settings can take effect.

  sudo /etc/init.d/ppptpd restart

Testing the VPN configuration


Start a VPN connection and check that remote client is getting the DNS records from the private network. Once the connection is established, check the IP address of pptp server using the command
