Data Networking/Fall 2014/Priya/Requirements

This page briefs about the requirements of various servers from the NEU Networks, a startup in Boston.

Domain Name Server


Project task is to build a DNS implementation for a start-up company in the city of Boston. As a Telecommunications Engineer you’re expected to build a DNS Server for this company. Following is what is expected

  • Naming- Get a domain name of your choice for the start-up.
  • Addressing- IPv4 address for your organization.
  • DNS Servers- Configure name servers to handle queries for your domain.
  • Documentation- Document the details for future users.


  • You will be a assigned a set of IP addresses that have to be used for this project.
  • You will be assigned one of the following DNS server from the following
    • BIND
    • Posadis
    • PowerDNS
  • Create any 5 DNS records.
  • Can use IPv4 addresses in your implementation of records.
  • Create reverse domains in for the addresses you have been allocated.
  • Test plan and implementation with examples.



Project task is to build a DHCP implementation in your company. As a Telecommunications Engineer you’re expected to build a DHCP Server. Following is what is expected

  • Scope- A full range of IP addresses that can be leased from a particular DHCP server.
  • Superscope- A grouping of scopes used to support logical IP subnets that exist on one physical IP subnet (called a multinet).
  • Address Pool- The IP addresses in a scope that are available for lease.
  • Exclusion Range- A group of IP address in the scope that are excluded from leasing. Excluded addresses are normally used to give hardware devices, such as routers, a static IP address.
  • Reservation- A means for assigning a permanent IP address to a particular client, server, or hardware device. Reservations are typically made for servers or hardware devices that need a static IP address.
  • Lease- The amount of time that a client may use an IP address before the client must re-lease the IP address or request another one.


  • You will be a assigned a set of IP addresses that have to be used for this project.
  • Can use IPv4 addresses in your implementation of DHCP.
  • Dynamic allocation of network addresses.
  • The Client-Server Protocol.
  • PXE Boot and RARP.
  • Test plan and implementation with examples.

Web Server & Firewall


Suppose you have to configure a web server in your company, how can this be practically implemented in your Linux machine? What do you think is the simplest way to secure your network from external networks attacks? Considering that you don't have much funding to buy more security devices, how do you think you can secure your server? There are different ways by which we can secure a server for the above scenario. For example, it can be IP filtering, protocol filtering, etc. Make your network as much secure as possible.


  • Use only command line tools and packages.
  • Provide all the commands that you have used and also give a brief description in one line.
  • Provide the changes you have made to the files/folders for configuring the webserver as well as the firewall. Also create a basic page to be server by this web server.
  • Make this page accessible to the clients in your network using a web browser.
  • Make your server the most secured one in all possible ways.
  • When you work/design your project, remember that you will have to give a demo. Plan accordingly.