CyberGen/List of selected topics and domains
< CyberGen
#outdated #todo : update to new model fit
Topics to terms
edit{'gender': {'L1T32': ['meufs'],
'L1T367': ['femme', 'voilée'],
'L1T363': ['voilées',
'L1T357': ['corps', 'soumission'],
'L1T304': ['voiles'],
'L1T364': ['émancipation', 'féminisme', 'patriarcale', 'féministe'],
'L1T303': ['sœurs', 'sœurs'],
'L1T392': ['soumise'],
'L1T358': ['mères'],
'L1T729': ['féministes', 'oppression'],
'L1T716': ['genre'],
'L1T365': ['voile'],
'L1T362': ['femmes', 'vestimentaire'],
'L1T354': ['hijab', 'niqab'],
'L1T361': ['touchepasamonhijab'],
'L1T366': ['musulmanes'],
'L1T616': ['françaises'],
'L1T67': ['femens', 'femen'],
'L1T747': ['sexuelle'],
'L1T781': ['sexuelles', 'sexisme'],
'L1T527': ['filles'],
'L1T355': ['letustalk', 'nohijabday'],
'L1T352': ['freefromhijab'],
'L1T70': ['burkini', 'piscine'],
'L1T319': ['piscines'],
'L1T486': ['fille'],
'L1T407': ['mesdames'],
'L1T151': ['beurette'],
'L1T34': ['rajel', 'nta'],
'L1T433': ['badinter'],
'L1T435': ['zineb', 'rhazoui'],
'L1T153': ['diams'],
'L1T563': ['misogyne'],
'L1T724': ['lgbt'],
'L1T0': ['pastoucheamonhijab'],
'L1T205': ['lallab'],
'L1T464': ['féminicides']}}
Topics to domains
edit{'L1T363': ['L1D245', 'L1D185', 'L1D147'],
'L1T365': ['L1D245', 'L1D185', 'L1D147', 'L1D1'],
'L1T362': ['L1D245', 'L1D261', 'L1D147', 'L1D47'],
'L1T392': ['L1D245'],
'L1T367': ['L1D245'],
'L1T70': ['L1D245', 'L1D15'],
'L1T781': ['L1D278', 'L1D32'],
'L1T464': ['L1D239'],
'L1T34': ['L1D191', 'L1D192'],
'L1T364': ['L1D191'],
'L1T433': ['L1D180'],
'L1T435': ['L1D182', 'L1D183'],
'L1T724': ['L1D265', 'L1D73'],
'L1T355': ['L1D261', 'L1D47'],
'L1T352': ['L1D261'],
'L1T407': ['L1D261'],
'L1T354': ['L1D261', 'L1D46', 'L1D44'],
'L1T358': ['L1D147', 'L1D46'],
'L1T361': ['L1D147'],
'L1T747': ['L1D233', 'L1D74'],
'L1T151': ['L1D204'],
'L1T67': ['L1D106'],
'L1T563': ['L1D222', 'L1D74'],
'L1T205': ['L1D157'],
'L1T0': ['L1D81'],
'L1T153': ['L1D28'],
'L1T616': ['L1D12'],
'L1T486': ['L1D18'],
'L1T366': ['L1D46'],
'L1T527': ['L1D207'],
'L1T729': ['L1D72']}
Domains to topics
edit{'L1D245': ['L1T363', 'L1T365', 'L1T362', 'L1T392', 'L1T367', 'L1T70'],
'L1D185': ['L1T363', 'L1T365'],
'L1D147': ['L1T363', 'L1T365', 'L1T362', 'L1T358', 'L1T361'],
'L1D1': ['L1T365'],
'L1D261': ['L1T362', 'L1T355', 'L1T352', 'L1T407', 'L1T354'],
'L1D47': ['L1T362', 'L1T355'],
'L1D15': ['L1T70'],
'L1D278': ['L1T781'],
'L1D32': ['L1T781'],
'L1D239': ['L1T464'],
'L1D191': ['L1T34', 'L1T364'],
'L1D192': ['L1T34'],
'L1D180': ['L1T433'],
'L1D182': ['L1T435'],
'L1D183': ['L1T435'],
'L1D265': ['L1T724'],
'L1D73': ['L1T724'],
'L1D46': ['L1T354', 'L1T358', 'L1T366'],
'L1D44': ['L1T354'],
'L1D233': ['L1T747'],
'L1D74': ['L1T747', 'L1T563'],
'L1D204': ['L1T151'],
'L1D106': ['L1T67'],
'L1D222': ['L1T563'],
'L1D157': ['L1T205'],
'L1D81': ['L1T0'],
'L1D28': ['L1T153'],
'L1D12': ['L1T616'],
'L1D18': ['L1T486'],
'L1D207': ['L1T527'],
'L1D72': ['L1T729']}
Topic curation
edit- Topics to exclude: L1T369 (topic too encompassing with no proper meaning, size: 1038 terms, many connectors).
Constellation "voile"
Topics to terms
edit{'L1T367': ['femme', 'voilée'],
'L1T363': ['voilées',
'L1T304': ['voiles'],
'L1T365': ['voile'],
'L1T362': ['femmes', 'vestimentaire'],
'L1T354': ['hijab', 'niqab'],
'L1T361': ['touchepasamonhijab'],
'L1T355': ['letustalk', 'nohijabday'],
'L1T352': ['freefromhijab'],
'L1T70': ['burkini', 'piscine'],
'L1T319': ['piscines'],
'L1T0': ['pastoucheamonhijab']}
Topics to domains
edit{'L1T363': ['L1D245', 'L1D185', 'L1D147'],
'L1T365': ['L1D245', 'L1D185', 'L1D147', 'L1D1'],
'L1T362': ['L1D245', 'L1D261', 'L1D147', 'L1D47'],
'L1T367': ['L1D245'],
'L1T70': ['L1D245', 'L1D15'],
'L1T355': ['L1D261', 'L1D47'],
'L1T352': ['L1D261'],
'L1T354': ['L1D261', 'L1D46', 'L1D44'],
'L1T361': ['L1D147'],
'L1T0': ['L1D81']}
Domains to topics
edit{'L1D245': ['L1T363', 'L1T365', 'L1T362', 'L1T367', 'L1T70'],
'L1D185': ['L1T363', 'L1T365'],
'L1D147': ['L1T363', 'L1T365', 'L1T362', 'L1T361'],
'L1D1': ['L1T365'],
'L1D261': ['L1T362', 'L1T355', 'L1T352', 'L1T354'],
'L1D47': ['L1T362', 'L1T355'],
'L1D15': ['L1T70'],
'L1D46': ['L1T354'],
'L1D44': ['L1T354'],
'L1D81': ['L1T0']}