Cow eye dissection



In grade 8 science the students dissect an eye. This wiki will be created by students from Magee Secondary school with the help of their science teacher, Mr. Rozitis.

What do the human eye and cow eye have in common? There are many similarities and a few differences. Examining the cow eye can help students understand how their own eyes work.

Safety Issues

  1. The cow eye is raw meat. Make sure you wash your hands and all utensils after completing the dissection to ensure that all bacteria has been washed off.
  2. Keep your hands away from your mouth and eyes when handling the cows eye.
  3. Ensure you discard of all the cow eye parts as instructed by your teacher.
  4. Be careful of the sharp objects the can cut you or one of the other students.
  5. Be mindful and respectful of other students and the task at hand.

CAUTION: If you get grossed out easily do NOT do this.


  • preserved cow eye
  • dissecting tray
  • paper towels
  • sharp scissors with a point
  • prod
  • protective gloves



Part 1 The Outside of the Eye

  1. Put on your gloves. Examine the outside of the cow eye. Notice that it is covered in a layer of fat and muscle. The fat is a white-yellow tissue and the muscle is the brownish tissue. It may be beneficial to remove some of the fat and/or muscle, as it may be helpful for observation of the Sclera.

Part 2 The Inside of the Eye

  1. Use the prod to poke a hole in the eye halfway between the cornea and the optic nerve.
  2. Separate the two parts


  1. List four differences between the anatomy of the cow eye and a human eye.
  2. Is the image that is cast on the retina at the back of the eye upright or inverted? Draw a ray diagram to explain your observations.

