Cooking/Introduction/Buying bread
![]() Cooking/Introduction/Buying breadedit
AssignmenteditResearch, purchase, observe and prepare a number of types of commercially produced bread. Serve to other people and ask for their opinions. |
Essential readingedit |
VocabularyeditCrust Crumb = The interior of baked goods, not the crust; interior texture formed by air cell pockets trapped inside a webbing of starch and protein gelatinized by baking. Texture
Preparation skillsedit
Cooking skillseditWeights and measures:editInsert text here. Methods and techniqueseditInsert text here.
Equipment and applianceseditBread knives, bread plates, bread boards and bread baskets. Knowledge of:editSearch the internet for bread knives, bread plates, bread boards and bread baskets.
Experience with:editSlice or serve each type of bread in an appropriate manner using any of the above equipment.
IngredientseditTypes of bread. Sourdough Knowledge of:editSearch the internet for references to a variety of types of bread and how it is served and record your findings.
Experience with:editSlice or serve each type of bread in an appropriate manner. Taste and describe any breads that you use.
Name of bread tasted: Appearance Crust. How does the bread look on the outside? Crumb texture and hole structure. How does the bread look on the inside? Aroma How does the bread smell? Taste How does the bread taste? What is your first impression? What does it taste like after you have swallowed? Food combinations With what foods does this bread taste good? Comment:editSome words which can be used to describe bread: Appearance - Shape: Round, batard, oval, long, open cuts, pointy, plump, flat, skinny. Appearance - Color: Dark, golden brown, medium brown, deep brown, golden, light yellow, bubbly, shiny, glossy. Aroma / Smell: Wheaty, nutty, honey, sweet, herbaceous, fragrant, tangy, sharp, sour, mild, milky, buttery. Taste & Flavor: Buttery, sweet, sour, salty, tangy, salty, sharp, wheaty, bland, complex, one-dimensional. Crumb and crust texture and colour: Dense, dark, cream coloured, white, pale, large holes, chewy, small, cakey, airy, shiny, even texture crumb, gummy, small, holes, yellow. Add your own words to the list.
Health and safetyeditUse the internet to find out if there are any particular health risks or allergies associated with bread or its ingredients. What are the ingredients of each type of bread that you will be using? Try an internet search for each ingredient combined with "allergy". e.g.Yeast allergy gave these search results. What action will you take to prevent harm to your consumers?
Purchasing and budgetingeditVisit your local supermarket or bakery and find out which breads they stock and their cost. Purchase bread for your assignment. Complete a product comparison sheet for bread and decide which you would like to use and if it is within your budget. If so, add the chosen items to your shopping list.
PresentationeditSearch various sources for presentation ideas and record your findings on a search worksheet. Use the ideas gained to present your bread attractively. Comment: Google images has some pictures of "boiled eggs" as does Wikimedia Commons. You could upload your own pictures to Wikimedia Commons. |
Recording and evaluationeditKeep your completed worksheets in a file as a record of your completion of this Activity unit. You can also photograph your cooking as it progresses and when it is completed ready for serving. Invite your consumers to comment on any aspect of the food you have served and if possible make a note of their comments and whether you will make any changes to anything in the future. |
editConversion tables