Controversies in Science/What killed the dinosaurs/A Critique of Extinction, survivorship and evolution of planktic foraminifera across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary at El Kef, Tunisia

(Review Paper) Cited in Controversies in Science/What killed the dinosaurs/A Critique of Extinction, survivorship and evolution of planktic foraminifera across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary at El Kef, Tunisia

Impact is not the reason for mass extinction


There is evidence that the Chicxulub Crater impact dates back over 300 000 years before the dinosaurs died. [1]



Geoscientist, Keller, collected evidence from four major events that occurred in Mexico and Texas. She gathered evidence within the fallout of glass beads from the Chicxulub immpact and within a layer of sandstone from 150 000 years later. The sandstone came from a shore area and was said to have surfaced due to a tsunami. Keller came to the conclusion that the two other events she collected data from were most likely a large impact or a volcano, and a smaller impact. The span from all these events were up to 150 000 years in between one another and the last one was about 100 000 years after the mass extinction of dinosaurs. These are all important but Kellers latest findings are the biggest step in proving her theory. Findings found in El Penon, Mexico prove that there was no geological disturbance. [2]



The results display that the Chicxulub impact happened 330,000 years before the end of the fossils of the dinosaurs and that this impact is not associated with the extinction of dinosaurs. From the data, Keller was also able to identify that the Chicxulub impact did not extinct a single species within dinosaurs. [3]


  1. Keller, G. (1988). [[/A Critique of Extinction, survivor-ship and evolution of plankton foraminifera across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary at El Kef, Tunisia|Extinction, survivor-ship and evolution of plankton foraminifera across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary at El Kef, Tunisia]]. Marine
  2. Alasdair Wilkins. (2009)
  3. Lindsay Patterson . (2009). Gerta Keller: Volcanoes killed the Dinosaurs