Continuum mechanics/Curl of a gradient of a vector

Curl of the gradient of a vector - 1


Let   be a vector field. Show that



For a second order tensor field  , we can define the curl as


where   is an arbitrary constant vector. Substituting   into the definition, we have


Since   is constant, we may write


where   is a scalar. Hence,


Since the curl of the gradient of a scalar field is zero (recall potential theory), we have




The arbitrary nature of   gives us


Curl of the transpose of the gradient of a vector


Let   be a vector field. Show that



The curl of a second order tensor field   is defined as


where   is an arbitrary constant vector. If we write the right hand side in index notation with respect to a Cartesian basis, we have




In the above a quantity   represents the  -th component of a vector, and the quantity   represents the  -th components of a second-order tensor.

Therefore, in index notation, the curl of a second-order tensor   can be expressed as


Using the above definition, we get


If  , we have

