Conservation Entrepreneurship/Assignments/Projeto Iauaretê/Value Proposition/What needs will our product satisfy? How will it create value for the customer?

What needs will our product satisfy?

How will it create value for the customer?

In each package the consumer will benefit from the following items:

1) Ecotourism activity – Customers will experience the unique beauty and diversity of life in the Amazon Floodplain forests. They will see animals like the howler monkey (Alouatta seniculus), Uakari monkey (Cacajao calvus calvus), sloth (Bradypus variegatus), pirarucu fish (Arapaima gigas), river dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), caiman (Melanosuchus niger and Caiman crocodilus), crax fish (Crax globulosa) at Uakari Lodge [1], a community run Ecotourism enterprise that is supported by Mamirauá Sustainable Development Institute [2].

2) Interaction with local people – Customers will be taken on a half day visit to a local traditional community to observe the culture and livelihood of Amazon people. Activities in the community will involve visiting a household (where they will be received by the owner), a walk through the village, demonstration of subsistence agriculture activities, and shopping for artisan goods.

3) Jaguar scientific research and field techniques – Customers will participate in the jaguar research program and will learn many of the field techniques used by scientists. Field methods include identification of tracks and other indirect signs, identification and collection of scats, scat analysis, line transect surveys, camera-traps, deployment and checking of foot snares for jaguar capture and radio-tracking with VHF receiver.

4) Other scientific research – Customers will be introduced to one of the other scientific research programs that are established at Mamirauá Reserve.

5) Jaguar capture – The visit to Mamirauá Reserve will occur during the jaguar capture season of Projeto Iauaretê. This means that customers may be able to see and photograph a captured jaguar during their stay. IT MUST BE CLEAR, HOWEVER, THAT PROJETO IAUARETÊ DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT CUSTOMERS WILL SEE A JAGUAR.

6) Support of jaguar research – A portion of the revenue will be used to support the jaguar research program of Projeto Iauaretê, helping researchers make new discoveries about jaguar ecology and behavior. These findings will be the stepping stones for conservation strategies in the Amazon. Customers can take satisfaction in knowing that their money is going to help these important efforts.

7) Support of local social development – Another portion of the revenue will support the social development of local people by complementing income of families. Families will have full discretion on how they spend their portion of the revenue, although Projeto Iauaretê staff will assist communities in the revenue distribution process. Projeto Iauaretê will encourage people to spend at least a portion of the revenue collectively in investments that be benefit the communities, such as building or maintaining schools, health clinics, houses, and electrical power generators.

8) Reduction of human-wildlife conflict – By making jaguars profitable to local people we erase the main cause of jaguar hunting in the Amazon, economic loss due to livestock depredation. Throughout the Amazon the almost unanimous reason why people kill jaguars is retaliation for livestock depredation. The revenue provided by Projeto Iauaretê will cover these expenses and increase household income, hence stopping jaguar hunting.