Computer architecture/Input Output Organization
This is a lesson in in the course, Computer Architecture, which is a part of The School of Computer Science
Input Output OrganizationeditExternal Devices I/O operations are accomplished through external devices that provide a means of exchanging data between external environment and computer. An external device attaches to the computer by a link to an I/O module. An external device linked to an I/O module is called peripheral device or peripheral. External Devices can be categorized as:
a) Control Signal – determines the function that the device will perform. E.g. send data to I/O module (READ or INPUT), receive data from I/O module (WRITE or OUTPUT), report status or perform some control function such as position a disk head. b) Data Signal – send or receive the data from I/O module. c) Status Signal – it indicates the status of signal. E.g. READY/NOT READY
It mainly depends on transducer.