Nslookup is a command-line tool used to query a Domain Name System (DNS) server to obtain an IP address mapping or other DNS records. These activities will show you how to use the nslookup command to display other record types.



To prepare for this activity:

  1. Start your operating system.
  2. Log in if necessary.

Activity 1 - Display Host Addresses


To display host addresses:

  1. Open a command prompt.
  2. Type nslookup google.com and press Enter.
  3. Observe the results. Notice the IP addresses listed for this host name.

Activity 2 - Display Other Record Types


To display other record types:

  1. Type nslookup -type=ns google.com and press Enter.
  2. Observe the results. Notice the name servers listed for this domain name.
  3. Type nslookup -type=soa google.com and press Enter.
  4. Observe the results. Notice the start of authority information listed for this zone.
  5. Type nslookup -type=mx google.com and press Enter.
  6. Observe the results. Notice the mail exchangers listed for this domain name.
  7. Type nslookup -type=txt google.com and press Enter.
  8. Observe the results. Notice the text records listed for this domain name.
  9. Close the command prompt to complete this activity.



