Computer Architecture Lab/SS2011

Project page for the course in summer 2011.

Group 1 AID edit

Nicolas Ingemann Borup

Jonas Andersen Dindorp

Cristian Pandele

Instruction Set 1 edit

Summary and comparison between instruction sets of:

  1. MIPS
  2. ARM7
  3. LC3
  4. Zilog Z8



Architecture implementing decimal (AID) edit

This page contains information about the implementation of a decimal processor in the course Advanced computer architecture on DTU

Introduction edit

Instruction set architecture edit

We have several formats for the instruction set, as the operations needs different inputs

Type 1:

Instruction Opcode Destination register Source register Source register Usage

add 0001 Rd Rs Rt Rd ← Rs + Rt
mult 0011 Rd Rs Rt Rd ← upper part(Rs x Rt), Rd+1 ← lower part(Rs x Rt)
sub 1010 Rd Rs Rt Rd ← Rs - Rt

Type 2:

Instruction Opcode Destination register Source register Source register Usage
Immediate load 0010 Rd imm imm Rd ← imm

Type 3:

Instruction Opcode Destination register Source register Source register Usage
shift left 0111 Rd Rs shamt Rd ← Rs << shamt
shift right 1000 Rd Rs shamt Rd ← Rs >> shamt
negation 1011 Rd Rs XXX Rd ← -Rs
load 1110 Rd Rs imm Rd ← mem[Rs(imm)]
store 1111 Rd Rs imm mem[Rd] ← Rs

Type 4:

Instruction Opcode Destination register Source register Source register Usage
branch equal 1100 address flag value flag enabled if (flag value == ALU flags){next PC ← address}
branch return 1101 address flag value flag enabled if (flag value == ALU flags){next PC ← address; push stack ← curr PC}

Type 5:

Instruction Opcode Destination register Source register Source register Usage
jump to return 0110 XXX XXX XXX next PC ← pop stack
nop 0000 XXX XXX XXX no operation

Group 2 FooBarBaz fighters edit

Mark Ruvald Pedersen

Laust Brock-Nannestad

Jaspur Højgaard

Rasmus Bo Sørensen

Assignment I edit

Summary and comparison between instruction sets of:

  1. PIC16F84 microcontroller
  2. ARM
  3. Intel 80x86

ISA / CPU Design edit

Document (Assignment II):

UART Exercise (Assignment III) edit

Group 3 [Newbies] edit

Ioannis Chionidis

Georgios Papanikas

Xia Hua

Henning Dietmar Weiss


Group 4 edit

Andreas Erik Hindborg

Niklas Quarfot Nielsen

Tobias Jeppe

Kristoffer Lyder Andersen

Assignment 1 edit

Summary of:

  1. ARMv7-M
  2. PIC
  3. x86
  4. POWER7


Group ?? edit

Caroline Johannsen

Assignment I edit


Leros edit

Martin Schoeberl (no group - this is just a template ;-)

An FPGA optimized tiny processor core for utility functions (e.g., SW UART). The challenge is to get the resources below 500 LC and use just 2 RAM blocks. The processor is named after the Greek island Leros where the architecture was designed. Details of the design can be found at the Leros processor page.

Perhaps I will do this design along the course to see how much work the assignment actually is ;-)

Group 6 edit

Dimitrios Kosmadakis

Assignment I edit

Summary of:

  1. Intel 4004
  2. Intersil 9100
  3. TMS 9900