1.Meiosis takes place in germ cells
2.It occurs only in sexually reproducing organism.
3.DNA replication takes place during inter phase I and not during inter phase II.
4. Prophase is divided into leptotene,zygotene,pachytene,diplotene and diakinesis.
5. Homologous chromosomes undergo synapses.
6. Chromatids of homologous chromosomes exchange segments during crossing over.
7.chromosomes are bivalent or tetrads having two chromatids held by two centro mere.
8. Synapsed chromosomes develop synaptonemal complex.
9. Chiasmata is seen throughout pro phase I and meta phase I.
10. In meta phase I chromosomes arrange two planes which are parallel two one another.
11. No division of centro mere during anaphase I but only during anaphase II.
12. Spindle fibres does not completely disappear during telophase I.
13. Nucleoli does not reappear in telophase I.
14. At the end of first division or reduction division two daughter cells are not formed.
15. After first division second division starts which is similar to mitosis.
16.Chromosome number reduces in meiosis, from diploid to haploid.
17. It does not help in multiplication of cells