Community arts and design

Welcome to the Centre for Community Arts and Design

What is Community Arts and Design?


Community arts and design stretches across a wide variety of media including theatre, contemporary arts, dance, music, art, design and fine art. The emphasis is on encouraging the use of the arts to support the development of communities to encourage social, cultural or environmental benefits. It is all about what the arts can do for society.

Learning Resources


This is the place for collections of learning materials (courses) or links to learning materials, for learners to use directly. A list of courses run elsewhere is below.

Teaching young children oral storytelling skills. By Tony Wilson and Creative Partnerships

The arts debate: public enagagement in the Arts By the Arts Council

Courses run elsewhere


Postgraduate Diploma in Community Arts Practice at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. A one year course for graduates of the Performance Arts (Dance, Music or Theatre) who wish to apply their skills to community and participatory arts work.

Community Arts Funding


Community Arts in academia

Community the community

Community Arts in policy

Community Arts in the media