Commons/Other Commons repositories

  • The Internet Archive - a very large range of historic and contemporary media, both from organisations and independents.
  • The Free Music Archive - A very large range of free music and sounds, mostly contemporary and by independents, but some historic and all genres covered. Careful with licenses that restrict comercial or derivative use
  • Youtube Creative Commons - A large and rapidly growing collection of video licensed Creative Commons Attribution. CCBy is the most flexible license but be certain it's being legitimately applied. People are free to apply the license but Youtube has only automatic procedures for checking the content.
  • Flickr Creative Commons - A very large collection of images published on Flickr with a Creative Commons license. Avoid Non Commercial and No Derivative licenses, and be certain the license is legitimate. Flickr users are free to apply a license, but Flickr has no process that verifies the legitimacy of the license
  • Flickr Commons - This is the section of Flickr that Institutions such as National Libraries, The Smithsonian, Powerhouse Museum, The Australian War Memorial and more.... However, many of the institutions licences restrict copyright to private use so be sure to check the rights of each institution