A collective is a group of entities that share or are motivated by at least one common issue or interest, or work together to achieve a common objective, according to Wikipedia. This area of this wiki is meant to be for facilitating learning, teaching, and research related to collectives.

Discussion questions and essay ideas

  • What are collectives?
  • How and why are collectives utilized?
  • What are some examples of some collectives that have had a significant impact on society.
  • How does the psychology of individuals influence the interactions within collectives?
  • How could one describe collectives from a sociological standpoint?
  • In what ways might community psychology study or research collectives?



Examples of collectives on Wikipedia




Case studies

  • Silenzio Statico - "Silenzio Statico is a collective, initially, based in South Central Los Angeles, which has been documenting and producing radical punk culture"
Discussion questions, research ideas, and essay ideas related to above case study
  • How might this collective influence the culture of Los Angeles
  • How successful has this collective been in reaching its goals?
  • If one were to perform a program evalutation of Silenzio Statico, how might this case study be structured?
    What information would be useful in performing the case study? How could the data be collected?
  • What factors have influenced the culture and mission of this collective?

See also
