
Homeoffice reduces the time to commute from and to your office and could save also office space for companies, so that they do use less office space for more staff member due to the fact that office space large cities could be quite expensive. Adding sustainability view to this also addresses the carbon footprint of economic activities which is related to Climate change.

Homeoffice has also some drawbacks which become most evident during COVID-19 pandemics. Dealing with the demands of children (homeschooling) and with tasks to be done for the company people work for can be very inefficient and stressful e.g. for parents in homeoffice. Close-to-homeoffice is an intermediate approach between

  • Office and
  • Homeoffice.

The approach describe here tries to combine those benefits and derives some consequences for implementation as learning resource.

History of Learning Resource


Close-to-Homeoffice is title for a learning resource in Wikiversity that decribes a workflow transformation during COVID-19 pandemics.

Basic Principles

  • Reducing carbon footprint and the costs of travelling between home and office by provide office space close to home.
  • Use Collaborative enterprising model share these local and regional office space demand driven.

Learning Tasks

  • Analyse which companies in your town or region would benefit of such a Close-to-homeoffice concept?
  • Analyse the benefits and drawbacks for parents being close to home or close to grandparents in case they need help or support?
  • Analyse the benefits and drawbacks for companies that depend on face-to-face collaboration?
  • When is physical attendance necessary and when can physical attendance replace be Video conferencing or e.g. by Telemedicine?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks for the application during a time span when epidemiological constraints must be applied?
  • Analyse the concept of Local and Regional Meeting Points applied during a virtual conference[1] and identified common approaches and differences!.

See also



  1. AT6FUI Local and Regional Meeting Points (2012) - Application of the Open Community Approach for a Virtual Conference at United Nations Building in Bonn with Support of UN-SPIDER URL: (accessed 2020/05/15)