Center for Corporate Auditing, Responsibility and Management policy Authoring/Agenda 21 policy

  National professional associations are encouraged to develop and review their codes of ethics and conduct to strengthen environmental connections and commitment. The training and personal development components of programmes sponsored by professional bodies should ensure incorporation of skills and information on the implementation of sustainable development at all points of policy- and decision-making.  

Agenda 21

Agenda 21 policy

   The following objectives are proposed:
<...> To achieve environmental and development awareness in all sectors of society on a world-wide scale as soon as possible.
<...> Governments should strive to update or prepare strategies aimed at integrating environment and development as a cross-cutting issue into education at all levels within the next three years. This should be done in cooperation with all sectors of society. The strategies should set out policies and activities, and identify needs, cost, means and schedules for their implementation, evaluation and review. A thorough review of curricula should be undertaken to ensure a multidisciplinary approach, with environment and development issues and their socio-cultural and demographic aspects and linkages. Due respect should be given to community-defined needs and diverse knowledge systems, including science, cultural and social sensitivities;  

Agenda 21



The Agenda 21 policy endorses the Agenda 21 as an official agenda of the company.

Organizational requirements

  1. The company has to form an Agenda 21 group that helps the organization to address Agenda 21 issues and bundles Agenda 21 competency. The members of the group have to have an adequate time budget for doing this work, which may vary depending on the size and type of business.
  2. Members of the Agenda 21 group must be able to formally request more time for their work and to discuss their work in the group in public without being penalized.

Corporate citizenship

  1. The company must communicate with other organizations about Agenda 21 issues.
  2. The company must publish an Agenda 21 email contact or corporate social responsibility contact that is designated to handle Agenda 21 issues.
  3. The company must implement adequate public reporting for its Agenda 21 efforts.

Continuing education

  1. Employees must receive educational offers concerning aspects of the Agenda 21.
  2. All employees must receive a defined set of minimum information about the Agenda 21.
  3. The company must officially endorse the Agenda 21 and encourage whistleblowing in the company and the supply chain.