Participants in Business, Politics and Sport have been assigned an essay and a presentation, that they will publish in their user pages, before being moved into The Journal of Sport and Exercise Studies.

Assignment descriptions




You are writing a paper for the The Journal of Sport and Exercise Studies. On the fifth week of this unit (15 September), please provide a 250 word outline for your intended topic in your user page on Wikiversity, and notify your unit convener when it is ready for review. If your outline is accepted, it will be listed on the journal's front page as a work in progress. You then have until the twelfth week of the unit (3 November) to complete your 2000 word paper on your Wikiversity user page.



You are to record and upload a 10 minute presentation on the same topic as your academic paper, or a new topic all together. You can use video, audio with images, or other multi media, but this presentation needs to be informative and engaging for an online audience. Please have your presentation sumitted before the twelfth week of the unit (3 November)

Pages in category "UCNISS/BPS2011"

The following 105 pages are in this category, out of 105 total.