Participants in Business, Politics and Sport have been assigned an essay and a presentation, that they will publish in their user pages, before being moved into The Journal of Sport and Exercise Studies.
Assignment descriptions
editYou are writing a paper for the The Journal of Sport and Exercise Studies. On the fifth week of this unit (15 September), please provide a 250 word outline for your intended topic in your user page on Wikiversity, and notify your unit convener when it is ready for review. If your outline is accepted, it will be listed on the journal's front page as a work in progress. You then have until the twelfth week of the unit (3 November) to complete your 2000 word paper on your Wikiversity user page.
editYou are to record and upload a 10 minute presentation on the same topic as your academic paper, or a new topic all together. You can use video, audio with images, or other multi media, but this presentation needs to be informative and engaging for an online audience. Please have your presentation sumitted before the twelfth week of the unit (3 November)

Pages in category "UCNISS/BPS2011"
The following 105 pages are in this category, out of 105 total.
- User:A Brown/FIFA WORLD CUP: the Holy Grail of Australian Football
- User:Ahmed Almrhoon/Saudi Swimming
- User:Alex.Timms/Action Sports and their Rise to Popularity
- User:Alex21/Football in Canberra - Elite juniors, no seniors...
- User:Alex21/Sport's role in the public image of political leaders and businessmen - how their money is changing the game
- User:Alexavent/BPS 2011 Corporate Sponsorship of Major Sporting Events; an Alternative Marketing Method
- User:Alexavent/BPS 2011 Corporate Sponsorship of Major Sporting Events; an Alternative Marketing Method Presentation
- User:Amcilrick/Rodeo in Australia - Welfare of Animals Used in Rodeo Events
- User:Amy.e.cotton/The Race in South African Sport
- User:Amy.e.cotton/Women In Sport
- User:Antperry/The Intersection of Politics and Business in Rugby Union
- User:AshleighLowe/The politics and businesses of cricket
- User:Atama J/Business, Politics and the London 2012 Olympic Games
- User:Daniel.Higgins/Foreign ownership and foreign players: the impact on the English Premier League and its teams
- User:Daniel.josifovski/An Insiders Perspective:The Role of Media play in the Business and Politics of sport in Relations to the National Rugby League
- User:Daniel.josifovski/Australian Football:The Political Past and the Business Future
- User:Dhugo/Super Rugby - An Australian Context
- User:Diego e/Have business and politics destroyed football?
- User:Downie/Limited News Involvement is the Best Thing for Rugby League
- User:James Bannon/Sponsorship in Basketball
- User:Jessica Perkins/The Olympic Games as a Political Driver and its Impacts on the Australian Sports System
- User:Jessica Perkins/The Olympic Games as a Political Driver and its Impacts on the Australian Sports System Presentation
- User:JonathanStone/Football Economics: A comparative analysis of player wages and salaries between the elite football leagues
- User:JonathanStone/Player Wages & Salaries between elite football leagues - Online Presentation
- User:Josh.O'Brien/The changing landscape of Rugby League in Australia
- User:JoshHeuer/Corruption in Football
- Journal of Sport and Exercise Studies/Business, Politics and Sport 2011
- User:Jrobbo89/NBA Lockout
- User:Leigh.Sherman/Sports Sponsorship and Government Regulation
- User:Leighblackall/The business and politics of adventure sport and recreation
- User:Liam Kelly/Tennis in Australia- Where has it gone wrong? A look at the Downfalls of Australia’s once most successful sport and an eye to the future
- User:Lilly15/The Impact Poor Role Models have on Sport
- User:Liu Yu/Impacts of Olympic Professionalism
- User:M.Finemore/Can Money Once Again Buy Success in the AFL
- User:Magint/FIFA: Corruption, The Modern Game And The World Cup
- User:Manyoun Kuel/The Formation of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)
- User:Marchibald/Exotic betting in the AFL essay
- User:Marchibald/Should the AFL ban Exotic Betting
- User:Matt Bevacqua/The impact of Business and Politics on World Football (Soccer)
- User:Matt Irons/BPS2011 Essay
- User:MBrown/Grass Roots Sport vs. Elite Development: Decided by Government Sports Funding
- User:Mchappo/Basketball in Australia compared to the USA
- User:Mitchell.A.King/The growth and development of a once amateur sport: The effects of globalization and the political struggles rugby union faces
- User:MitchellS/BPS2011 Essay
- User:Mplevey/The Introduction of "Financial Fair Play" in Football
- User:Mvest/The Global Expansion of Rugby Union
- User:RB2011/Politics of Rugby League
- User:RB2011/Presentation
- User:Reece.V/The Business and Politics of Doping in Sport – an investigation into the implementation of a separate ‘legal doping’ sporting competition
- User:Rhiannon Stephens/The Effect of Animal Cruelty Allegations in Sport
- User:Rhys.Redfearn/Judicial Politics in Australian Rugby League
- User:Rmckay/Feasibility of Homebush Street Race
- User:Sam irwn/Bringing major sporting events and identities to Austrlian since 2006
- User:SamN90/The Introduction of Change
- User:SarahProudman/Price to play? Australia’s sports Injuries Epidemic
- User:SDunk/Corruption; Sport's skeleton in the closet
- User:Seand23/Funding for NRL clubs under new pokie laws
- User:Srootes/AFL expansion into Western Sydney; The Battle of the Codes
- User:Stewart.boyd/Business, Politics and Sport – The expansion of the Australian Football League
- User:Tdaniel/The Changing Nature of Winter Sports in Australia
- User:Thomas.Purcell/Dodgeball: A legitimate sport?
- User:Timeverdell/BPS2011 Essay
- User:Tmcfarland/Business and Politics of the IRB and Rugby Union in Australia and internationally
- User:Toddjdavey/Cricket, the gentleman's sport?
- User:Trent hop/Revival of Australia Cricket
- User:Trent hop/Why GWS will win the battle of Western Sydney
- User:U3017146/Presentation: The business and politics of rock climbing as a sport
- User:U3017146/Rock climbing in the summer Olympic Games, aiming too high?
- User:U3017206/Business and Politics of Sport Celebrity Endorsements
- User:U3025354/Business and Politics of South African Rugby Union
- User:U3025472/The Impacts of the Proposed 'Pokies Legislation' on Sporting Sponsorship
- User:U3025472/The Importance of Athlete Education for Successful Career Transition
- User:U3036219/Poker Machine Reform – The Effects on the Landscape of Australian Sport
- User:U3036419/Sport as a social divider
- User:U3053471/The Effects of Over-Training on Young, Developing Athletes
- User:UC3025323/The Evolution of Alcohol and Tobacco Sport Sponsorship Agreements Essay
- User:UC3025323/The Evolution of Alcohol and Tobacco Sport Sponsorship Agreements Summary Presentation