Category:Creative Commons licenses

This category is a copyright status category for media files on Wikiversity published under Creative Commons licenses. For media related to the organization Creative Commons, their licenses and the development, discussion and promotion of these licenses see the topic category Category:Creative Commons.

This is the category for Creative Commons license categories. Template names should begin with "Cc-" (ie. Template:Cc-by-sa-4.0) and follow the conventions below. The templates should add files and pages to a category named "CC-" (ie. Category:CC-BY-SA-4.0‎)

The dynamic prefix list immediately below show existing categories that match this naming convention. Note that redirects (if any exist) are not including in the dynamic list.

Category names beginning with: CC- followed by:

If you see a template above that is not listed below please add it to this category.


This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total.