Category:60-day proposed deletions
The category shows Proposed deletions 60 days after the tagging. At present it may not show all such, but only those pages tagged with the explicit data paramenter. I will remove this caution when all pages have been fixed.
This categories allows finding Proposed deletions ("Prods") that are within 30 days of expiring, and is a place for the community to review these before they go into Category:Pending deletions, where they might be deleted at any time.
Suggested options:
Check "What links here" and page history to understand who created the page, and where it might be linked.
- If the page has useful content in the present revision, remove the prod template or substituted code.
- If the page has useful content in history that was blanked, restore it and remove the prod.
- If the page has any content that might be useful to a registered creator, consider moving it to the User's space, in lieu of leaving it exposed to deletion in mainspace.
- Consider whether or not a blue link without useful content, or only a link to a Wikipedia article, will be more useful to readers than a redlink that invites actual page contributions.
- If the redlink is more useful, and the creator was an anonymous editor with no recent contributions, consider placing Template:Delete on the page. If the creator is a registered user, notify the user of this action. (the same if you move the page to their user space).
- Again, if the page has incoming links, do not leave any double redirects. Consider requesting deletion of redirects if they will cause a blue link for useless content.
- Remember that any action may be appealed, up to and including deletion. If you take the time to review the resource, your opinion is valuable, please don't waste your time by passing by with no choice, unless you really have no opinion.
- Last and not least, improve the resource and remove the prod. You may remove the prod merely with an intention to improve it, but to be safe, you can renew the prod, you can give it another 90 days by replacing the template wikitext with {{subst:Proposed deletion}}.
The point of speedy deletion and proposed deletion is to allow cleanup of Wikiversity without creating unnecessary discussion, because user time, with resources eligible for speedy deletion, is usually more valuable than those resources. However, any user may require a discussion for deletion or other actions. A deletion template may always be replaced by a prod, and if a prod is removed, a user may always request deletion on WV:RFD. Please keep RFD clean of unnecessary deletion requests.
Thanks for looking at this category and for helping clean up Wikiversity, while, at the same time, keeping it a welcoming wiki, where it is safe to contribute content.
Pages in category "60-day proposed deletions"
The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.