In order to add projects to Catalogue 22 you must create both Wikiversity and Wikimedia Commons; Both accounts are free (and you can set up the same username for both) and take about 1 minute a piece to set up, just follow the instructions. Once you have both accounts created and you are logged in we are ready to start adding content!
The process of adding content to Catalogue 22 requires the addition of a textual description of the project, as well as a relevant image (please choose one image per project only). Wikimedia Comons, as a host for all types of media, is where project images are stored (under the category Catalogue 22) and following that, a Wikiversity page can be created which houses all the relevant information.
Please Note:
Current Carleton Architecture Students can upload their work to the "Catalogue 22" folder in Shareme and we will add their work to Catalogue 22 on their behalf.
The preceding tutorials demonstrate how to successfully add your project to Catalogue 22. In a number of places in the code it links to a Google Map known as "The Hub" which is a previous incarnation of this project, hopefully soon we will have an updated Google map and also a tutorial on how to add projects to that as well, thus increasing the searchability of the projects.