C Programming/Flow Control
Branchingeditif ... elseeditOvervieweditThis structure lets the program perform one of two actions, depending on the value of an expression. Its basic structure is: if (expression) {
statements ...
} else {
statements ...
The expression is also known as boolean logic. Boolean logic is a method for telling if an expression is true or false. If a branch contains only one statement, the An example of if ... else in action: if (x == true) {
} else {
Statement 2 can be an if statement, which can be used to create an if ... else if ... else structure, e.g: if (a == 'h')
else if (a == 'f')
else if (a == 'q')
printf("Unknown operation %c\n", a);
The comparisons that are usable as expression are as follows:
Setting variable as the if else conditioneditAt first, note the difference between the double equal sign (==) and the single equals sign ( = ). The single equals is used for assignment and will not give you the desired results. int a = 1, b = 2;
if (a = b) {
printf("Set b to a\n");
Result: Print out "Set b to a" to the console. In the above code snippet, there are 2 variables a, b which have different value. When then set the value of b to a, by the "=" operator. As b is different from a, setting it to variable returns true, i.e the if condition (a = b) is true. Condition when setting variable can be false (0) when the variable is set to 0: int a = 20, b = 0;
int main(){
if (a=b) printf("true");
else printf("false");
Result: Print out "false" to the console. When number is a conditioneditFor conditional check, all number different from 0 returns the true condition. Only number 0 and NULL (ASCII code 0) returns the false condition. if(1) printf("%s", "true"); // true
if(2) printf("%s", "true"); // true
if(-12) printf("%s", "true"); // true
if('a') printf("%s", "true"); // true
if(0) printf("%s", "true");
else printf("%s", "false");// false
if(NULL) printf("%s", "true");
else printf("%s", "false");// false
Using number as a condition is useful when we want to shorten the condition by using the NOT operator (!) int a = 3, b = 0;
if(!a) printf("a is 0\n");
else printf("a isn't 0\n");// a isn't 0
if(!b) printf("b is 0\n");// b is 0
else printf("b isn't 0\n");
In this code snippet:
Combining expressionseditFrequently, you won't want to just know if two values are equal - you want to know if these two values are equal and if another two are equal. Or if another two are not equal, or some other combination. Revise the previous lesson on operators, there are three operators AND, OR and NOT that can help us with this: AND The AND operator takes two expressions and checks if both of them are true: expression1 && expression2 OR The OR operator returns true if either of the expressions is true, or if both of them are true. It's only false if both of the expressions are false: expression1 || expression2 NOT As mentioned earlier, the NOT expression is: !expression1 Revise the previous lesson on operators, NOT operator ! changes the value which is equal to 0 to 1 and different from 0 to 0. Order of OperationseditIts perfectly legal to chain as many ANDs, ORs, and NOTs as you want. For example, !(expression1 && (expression2 || expression3)) is perfectly legal. When you do this, the different parts of the chain are evaluated according to an order of operations, just like in math. The order of operation is NOT, AND, OR. Ties are done left to right. Also just like in math, you can use parenthesis to change the default order. For example, a && b || c This is true if a and b are true, or if c is true. If we change it to a && (b || c) This one is true if a and b are true, or if a and c are true. Notice the difference- in the first one, if a was false and c was true, the total value was true. Now it would be false. Be very careful of bugs like this. When in doubt, throw parenthesis everywhere. For the order of operations, be careful with the "double conditions" int a = 3;
if ((1 < a < 2)){
Result: 3 is printed out Explanation: As we expected with Math logical, (1 < a < 3) is to whether a is inside the (1, 3). However, C interprets it diffently from the expected Math logic. In C, the expression (1 < a < 2) is interpreted differently than you might expect. It is evaluated in two steps:
For a = 3, the expression (1 < a) evaluates to 1 (true), and then 1 < 2 is true, so the whole expression is true. Therefore, printf("%d\n", a) will be executed, printing 3. To implement that logic, use that AND conditions instead: int a = 3;
if ((1 < a) && (a < 2)){
printf(a);// Won't be printed as failed condition
switch ... case ... defaulteditThe switch statement will go to one of several locations, depending on the value of an expression. The last example can be written using a switch statement as: switch (a) {
case 'h':
case 'f':
case 'q':
printf("Unknown operation %c\n", a);
A few notes:
gotoedit#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
goto LABEL_0;
printf("Label 0");
printf("Label 1");
printf("outside goto\n");
return 0;
Result Label 0
Label 1
outside goto To enter only LABEL_0 in the above code snippet, use return: goto LABEL_0;
puts("Label 0");
return 0;
puts("Label 1");
printf("outside goto\n");
return 0;
Iterationeditfor loopseditThe for(variables; condition; step)
statements ...
int i;
for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
printf("i = %d\n", i);
Example: Increase the index i by 2 for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i=i+2) {
printf("%d ", i);
} // Result: 0 2 4 6 8 10
printf("This is an infinite loop!\n");
Omit 1st expressioneditint index = 0;
for(; index < 10; index++){
printf("index: %d\n", index);
Result: Print out from 0 to 9. Omit 2nd expressioneditThe 2nd expression now is true for(int index = 0;;index++){
printf("index: %d\n", index);// Infinite index count up by 1
Omit 3nd expressioneditint index = 0;
for(int index = 0;index<10;){
printf("index: %d\n", index);
Result: Print out 0 forever. Omit 1st and 3rd expressionseditint index = 0;
for(;index < 10;){
printf("index: %d\n", index);// index from 0 to 9
while loopseditA while(expression) {
for(;;) is equal to while(1). do ... while loopseditThis is the format of the do {
} while (expression);
do {
printf("Press 'q' to exit: ");
scanf("%s", &str);
} while (str[0] != 'q' && str[0] != 'Q');
This will loop repeatedly, asking for input, until either breakeditThe break keyword will break the execution of its current loop. for (i=0; i<10; i++){
if(i==5) break;
printf("i value is %d \n", i);
Result: i value is 0
i value is 1
i value is 2
i value is 3
i value is 4 continueeditThe continue keyword is used in loops, such as for and while loops, to skip the current iteration and proceed directly to the next iteration. for (i=0; i<10; i++){
if(i==5) continue;
printf("i value is %d \n", i);
Result: i value is 0
i value is 1
i value is 2
i value is 3
i value is 4
i value is 6
i value is 7
i value is 8
i value is 9
AssignmentseditAssignments of this lecture includes:
Full assignment and Answer key with code snippet. ![]()