COVID-19/Positive Change/Co-creative Learning

This was created as a humanity-owned resource collection to empower each other to co-evolve through the difficult CoVid Situation: Free support offers, inspirations and heart-widening activity ideas. Anyone can add resources, and anyone can consult them. Because of the formal challenges of editing wikiversity (challenging to upload photos, impossible to edit a page at the same time etc.), the list of resources moved to: CoVid Resource Collection for CoEvolving

Support Offers




Please share any free offers for emotional, physical, or spiritual support (i.e. helplines, coaching offers etc.)

Title Type Description Community Contact/Network
Support elderly/sick people Logistic Support, Supply Chain Age and other disease (e.g. of the respiratory system) are additional risk factors. Neighbourhood social networks e.g. Nextdoor Social Network Social Media
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Please share any poems, art, quotes that (re-)kindle the fire in us to walk towards a more beautiful world

Title Post Content Here Source/Author
A new story for humankind "A recognition of alliance is growing among people in diverse arenas of activism, whether political, social, or spiritual. The holistic acupuncturist and the sea turtle rescuer may not be able to explain the feeling, “We are serving the same thing,” but they are. Both are in service to an emerging Story of the People that is the defining mythology of a new kind of civilization.

I will call it the Story of Interbeing, the Age of Reunion, the ecological age, the world of the gift. It offers an entirely different set of answers to the defining questions of life. Here are some of the principles of the new story:

That my being partakes of your being and that of all beings. This goes beyond interdependency—our very existence is relational. That, therefore, what we do to another, we do to ourselves. That each of us has a unique and necessary gift to give the world. That the purpose of life is to express our gifts. That every act is significant and has an effect on the cosmos. That we are fundamentally unseparate from each other, from all beings, and from the universe. That every person we encounter and every experience we have mirrors something in ourselves. That humanity is meant to join fully the tribe of all life on Earth, offering our uniquely human gifts toward the well-being and development of the whole. That purpose, consciousness, and intelligence are innate properties of matter and the universe." || "The more beautiful world our hearts know is possible", Charles Eisenstein

Proof for our connection to all beings “The sound of crickets, if you slow it down, sounds like birds, if you slow it further down it sounds like dolphins and it you slow it further down it sounds like a human voice. We are not separate and every mystic experience knows this" From a video by Dr Jeffrey Thompson
Our relation to the universe "‘All nature systems are designed to synchronize with each other. We are meant to dance with the universe" From a video by Dr Jeffrey Thompson
Open Community Approach Collaborative efforts and sharing resources can be used to reduce workload for us all together. Wikiversity Learning Resource
Collaborative Mapping Access to helpful resources in a crisis can be mapped. Collaborative Mapping can be done helpfule to visualize of helpful infrastructure - helpful services that are close to you Wikiversity Learning Resource
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Please share any free tools or processes that help us to connect to, embrace, and let transform what is present within us and within others (including in these uncertain circumstances, fear and anxiety)

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Please share any free tools or processes that help us to connect to our heartfelt desires for ourselves, our relations, society and nature

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Please share beautiful, heart-widening activities and project ideas for ourselves, our relations/family/friends/neighbours, our organizations and society/nature. This is a one-of-its-kind opportunity to create more local resiliency, to deepen our bonds with ourselves, to deepen our bonds with our closest ones, to re-think the education for our children, to learn from our children, to re-think our economic systems that only value monetary exchange and are based on the idea of scarcity and competition, to strengthen our bonds with and understanding of nature...

a. Personal project and activity ideas

Title One Sentence Description Instructions (whenever possible, a video)
Recipes for Wellbeing during COVID Activities for emotional, spiritual, mental and physical wellbeing Recipes for Wellbeing in covid 19 times
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b. Interpersonal project and activity ideas (children, family, friends, neighbourhood)

Title With Who Instructions (video whenever possible) Link
Neighbourhood Whatsapp Support Group Neighbourhood Create a neighbourhood whatsapp support group for these challenging times. You can name it "Neighbourhood - Practicing Giving and Receiving", "Neighbourhood Solidarity", "Neighbourhood Sharing is Caring" or whatever name gives you the biggest smile and resonance. To start it, either directly invite neighbours, if you already have their numbers. Or, if you don't have their numbers yet, pin an invitation note on various signposts with your number on it. In order to help people feel part of a secure group you should add a nice photo and a heart-widening description. For example:
Dear neighbours! These are challenging times but they also hold the treasure for us to remember our relational nature, strengthen our hyperlocal resilience and learn together how to give and receive. Let us all give whatever we can give freely out of joy, without an expectation for return. Let us all ask for what we need and receive it with an open heart and without a feeling of needing to reciprocate directly. I am looking forward to it! 

"For in truth it is life that gives unto life" (Khalil Gibran)

Inspirational Book Exchange Box Neighbourhood The last years have seen a strong multiplication of local book exchange boxes. If their is none yet in your neighbourhood, seize this opportunity to create one!

In its simplest form, if you have a space that is protected from rain, you could just take an old cardboard box, cut one side open, colour it beautifully, label it "Inspirational Book Exchange Box" (or whatever name makes you heart jump in joy) and put it in this protected space (i.e. in the stairwell). In these virus-y times don't forget to attach a note, inciting people to exchange and reminding them of the sanitary rules needed for safe exchanges. For example:
Dear neighbours! Many of us suddenly have more time at home. Why not use some of the time to dive into inspirational books? I invite you to put here any books you have found inspiring, empowering, heart-widening personally! Feel free to glue in an extra first page, that allows you (and your fellow readers) to share what inspired you about this book. In order to make the exchange safe, please do not forget to sanitize the book cover before putting a book (back into) the box. Happy reading and sharing!

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c. Organizational project and activity ideas


d. Societal/Planetary project and activity ideas




Please share any insights you have from your activities