Week 0 Activities


Project Preference


Your class negotiated 5 or 6 projects to do the rest of the semester. Please rank, in order of preference, your highest through lowest project names.

Problem Statement


In one or two sentences, describe the project that your group will be working on. Identify which one or two CDIO documents your group will create in this project cycle.

Project Plan


Briefly describe your group's plan for the next 4 weeks, including the specific activities that will take place each week.

Week 1 Narrative


Describe in detail what you did for your team during the week (and weekend). Link to any CDIO documents you are working on. Compare your task (from CDIO discuss page) with what you actually did.

Week 2 Narrative


Describe in detail what you did for your team during the week (and weekend). Link to any CDIO documents you are working on. Compare your task (from CDIO discuss page) with what you actually did.

Week 3 Narrative


Describe in detail what you did for your team during the week (and weekend). Link to any CDIO documents you are working on. Compare your task (from CDIO discuss page) with what you actually did.

Week 4 Narrative


Describe in detail what you did for your team during the week (and weekend). Link to any CDIO documents you are working on. Compare your task (from CDIO discuss page) with what you actually did.