



Power Point presentations, made by teachers about the content of physics education in the secondary school

Power Point presentations, made by teachers about the content of physics education in the secondary school; Varios web-sites, connected to the physics contan in Bulgarian school (in Bulgarian, English, Russion and etc.). http://cat.upatras.gr/en/Plovdiv_ICT_Example_1




Exploring the geological times with "le Calendrier Géologique" (Geological Calendar)

By turning "time buttons", it is possible to get informations among geological times (biosphere, tectonic, climate…). http://cat.upatras.gr/en/Lyon_ICT_Example_1

Learning the principles of relative chronology with CHRONOCOUPE

The students’ tasks consisted in reproducing different images of geological cuts with Chronocoupe, a software which allows simulating the results of geological events. http://cat.upatras.gr/en/Lyon_ICT_Example_2



This play role is designed with geotechnologies: Google Earth (virtual wrld) and MITAR (Augmented Reality). http://cat.upatras.gr/en/Lyon_ICT_Example_3




Explo Multimedial

ExploMultimedial is a constructivist learning environment currently dealing with physics units based on optics. These units are designed to foster the motivation of both, boys and girls equally and keep up strong interdisciplinary connections with biology. The software focuses on real life experiments assisted by the computer. The software also tries to foster cooperative learning by asking two (or more) students to work together – strengthening communicative skills and learning processes. http://cat.upatras.gr/en/Heidelberg_ICT_Example

EPR-Simulator (Excel based)

The entanglement of two photons is an approved voucher for quantum theory. The experiments are interesting but not usable at school. The sheet provides a simulation which is not easy but comprehensible in each detail (white box). http://cat.upatras.gr/en/Gmuend_ICT_Example_1

Gas Properties

The behavior of a gas can be observed as several parameters were changed. http://cat.upatras.gr/en/Gmuend_ICT_Example_2

Denkwerkstatt-Physik (Think-Tank Physics)

Brain-teasers related to physics. One will come across questions which could also encounter daily life. The user can choose between different offers which appeal interesting to herself or himself to get closer to the solution. http://cat.upatras.gr/en/Gmuend_ICT_Example_3

Simple electricity experiments - Web based learning Environment

We press a switch and we turn the lights on. How is this possible to be happening? Let's construct a simple circuit. Let's improve a bit the simple circuit we just created. Can we connect more light bulbs? If yes, in how many different ways can we do that? What do we mean by "induction"? How does an electromagnet work? What is electricity? How do we produce electricity? How is electricity coming to our houses? What is the function of a transformer? http://cat.upatras.gr/en/Patras_ICT_Example_1

Hydrostatic pressure and buoyancy force

A lesson concept by Hildegard Urban-Woldron, Vienna, 2009 Measuring hydrostatic pressure at different immersion depths with a pressure sensor Demonstration of hydrostatic pressure in different types of vessels Waterdisplacement and immersion depth of a virtual boat Density laboratory for exploring parameters responsible for swimming and sinking in liquids Mearuring buoyancy force by immersion of a body into a liquid..


Archimedes' Principle

Archimedes' Principle, by Edeltraud Schwaiger, Tulln, 2009. Simulation of an experiment on buoyance force Text and pictures about the famous Archimedes' experiment.


How a copying machine works

How a copying machine works by Walter Doubek, Vienna 2009.

Simulation of most important steps to understand how a copier works..


DPG Website Scientific Texts

Offered by the German Physical society, contains scientific texts (written for everyone), explanations, experiments, events and others from the whole world of physics http://www.weltderphysik.de/


Science Website

Science experiments, every-day-questions, and explanations http://www.kids-and-science.de/

Allround Software

Cmap - Concept Maps

Concept maps are effective in representing and communicating knowledge. They help students to organise their thinking and to summarise subjects of study. From an educational perspective, a growing body of research indicates that the use of concept maps can facilitate meaningful learning. http://cat.upatras.gr/en/Helsinki_ICT_Example_1

Use of Microcomputer-Based Laboratory (MBL)

Microcomputer-Based Laboratory (MBL) (in UK data-logging) tool is a combination of the hardware and software that are used for collecting data (data acquisition) using sensors/probes (such as temperature or pH sensors) connected to a microcomputer through an interface. These collected data can be analysed and displayed in graphic form, in real or delayed time. http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=de&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=fi&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.edu.helsinki.fi%2Fmalu%2Fkirjasto%2Fmittausautomaatio%2F&act=url




Gas Properties

The behavior of a gas can be observed as several parameters were changed. http://cat.upatras.gr/en/Gmuend_ICT_Example_2

Denkwerkstatt-Physik (Think-Tank Physics)

Brain-teasers related to physics. One will come across questions which could also encounter daily life. The user can choose between different offers which appeal interesting to herself or himself to get closer to the solution. http://cat.upatras.gr/en/Gmuend_ICT_Example_3

Simple electricity experiments - Web based learning Environment

We press a switch and we turn the lights on. How is this possible to be happening? Let's construct a simple circuit. Let's improve a bit the simple circuit we just created. Can we connect more light bulbs? If yes, in how many different ways can we do that? What do we mean by "induction"? How does an electromagnet work? What is electricity? How do we produce electricity? How is electricity coming to our houses? What is the function of a transformer? http://cat.upatras.gr/en/Patras_ICT_Example_1

Videos on atmospheric pressure Web based environment

Pressure of Gases – Atmospheric Pressure Hydrostatic Pressure Fluid Pressure The History of atmospheric pressure. Barometers - Vacuum pumps Homework - an old tale with camels and caravans. http://cat.upatras.gr/en/Patras_ICT_Example_2

Electricity and electromagnetism experiments in a Web based learning environment

"I learn how the electric motor works" Demonstrate understanding of electricity and electromagnetism in a Web based learning environment 18 educational videos with two options:

    Streaming Video (windows media) for users with at least a 384Kbps ADSL connection
    Progressively Downloaded Video (adobe flash) if the connection speed is lower than 384Kbps

Lesson structure

 1) Everything is made of… Removing electrons from a straw (video 1)
 2) A flow of electrons... (video 2, video 3, video 4)
 3) Conductors and insulators (video 5)
 4) The forces - A special kind of force that is called “Magnetic Force” (video 6)
 5) The “invisible” magnetic field -Trying to make the magnetic field visible (video 7, video 8, video 9)
 6) Construct a battery-powered magnet - the electromagnet (video 10)
 7) Construct a stronger battery-powered magnet (video 11)
 8) Construct and even stronger battery powered magnet (video 12)
 9) A professional magnet (video 13)

10) A piston (video 14) 11) The electric motor (video 15, video 16, video 17) 12) A big surprise - Turning a lamp on without a battery! (video 18)


Hydrostatic pressure and buoyancy force

A lesson concept by Hildegard Urban-Woldron, Vienna, 2009 Measuring hydrostatic pressure at different immersion depths with a pressure sensor Demonstration of hydrostatic pressure in different types of vessels Waterdisplacement and immersion depth of a virtual boat Density laboratory for exploring parameters responsible for swimming and sinking in liquids Mearuring buoyancy force by immersion of a body into a liquid..


Discover Website Physics.org

Offered by the English Physical society and contains various experiments and phenomena to discover, explanations are given http://www.physics.org/discover.asp

ESA Website for Kids

Offered by the European Space Agency, mainly Astronomy, lab and fun for younger children http://www.esa.int/esaKIDSen/SEM059WJD1E_OurUniverse_0.html

It is a portal about astronomy, with a research engine





Videos on atmospheric pressure (Web based environment)

Pressure of Gases – Atmospheric Pressure Hydrostatic Pressure Fluid Pressure The History of atmospheric pressure. Barometers - Vacuum pumps Homework - an old tale with camels and caravans. http://cat.upatras.gr/en/Patras_ICT_Example_2

Project about energy containing 3 units (Web based environment)

http://www.garyfallidou.org/indexgr.html cotnains 3 units in Greek
1. Simple Electricity experiments: that deals with electric circuits, electrical energy, the basic principles of electrical energy production and electrical energy transmission.
2. Electricity production: electricity production factories, transmission, storage, advantages and disadvantages of each type of factory, environmental issues, economical issues.
3. The "Energy project": deals with the concept of energy in its entirety, all forms of energy the energy transformations, the ecological and economic aspects of energy use.


Software to study and modify sounds http://www.fon.hum.uva.nl/praat/

Software to study molecules http://www.openrasmol.org/ to download molecules http://www.wwpdb.org/

Other Resources Google having scanned Galileo Videos they are all indexed in their audio and thus have become fully searchable (German):

International Astronomical Search Campaing: http://iasc.hsutx.edu/index.htm

Huge amount of free material for teachers:

Faulkes telescope project http://www.faulkes-telescope.com/

Connecting classrooms to the Milky Way http://www.scientix.eu/web/guest/projects/project-detail;jsessionid=9F15D583197DB2563ADC9FC5C6FFA6AD?p_p_id=Results_WAR_lreportlet&p_p_lifecycle=0&_Results_WAR_lreportlet_groupId=10137&_Results_WAR_lreportlet_articleId=38734&_Results_WAR_lreportlet_languageId=38734&_Results_WAR_lreportlet_forcedTemplateId=