Business, politics and sport/The history of the paralympic movement in Australia

Our guest speaker today was Tony Naar, General Manager Knowledge Services at the Australian Paralympic Committee. Tony is responsible for a project to collect, manage and preserve the history of the Paralympic movement in Australia. UCNISS is working with Tony, as well as sport historian Murray Phillips (University of Queensland) to produce an online history, through Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, and Wikibooks. The History of the Paralympics Australia project (HoPAu) has a range of other elements to it, that seeks partnerships with organisations and individuals. In his talk, Tony takes us through the scope of the project, and the reasons for doing it.




Audio recording of Tony Naar, General Manager Knowledge Services at the APC, talking to students at the University of Canberra about the HoPAu project.

Audio recording of Tony Naar, General Manager Knowledge Services at the APC, talking to students at the University of Canberra about the HoPAu project.