Bromley by Bow Centre/Organising People, Resources and Power



1) Course Work 1

Case-study of a successful/failed social enterprise; 1,500 words; 40%
Learning outcomes to be focussed on: 1,2,3,4
What is expected:
Choose an organisation and tell its story from the perspective of two or more forms of resources the organisation’s leadership harnessed . Discuss the concepts of success and failure in relation to different forms of resources.
Marking Criteria
  1. Clearly defined unit of study
  2. Effective selection and organisation of material
  3. Critical analysis
  4. Original thought
  5. Integration of course materials into the assignment
  6. A consistent referencing and bibliography system.

2)Course Work 2

Essay on skills sets for effective management of NGOs/social enterprise; 2,500 words; 60%
Learning outcomes to be focussed on: 5,6,7,8,9,10
What is expected:

Focus on what skill sets need to be in organisations at strategic, managerial and operational levels to realise the mission of the organisation effectively. Use Stakeholder theory and related concepts.

General guidelines for course works:

  1. Keep to the word limit range. Variations of more than 10% will be penalised. Always include the word count on the title page of your assignment.





Freeman, R. Edward (1984). Strategic Management: A stakeholder approach. Boston: Pitman. ISBN 0273019139. 

