Bloom Clock/Maintenance

The bloom clock is a rather extensive learning resource, consisting of over 2,000 pages which either contain data or help to organize it. On many pages data or other assistance may be needed, and these needs are tracked via the templates as part of Category:Bloom Clock maintenance

Help is needed to keep things updated and working smoothly. You can help by clearing out some of the maintenance categories by editing the BCP pages and other pages that need work.

The BCP (Bloom Clock Profile) pages are created and maintained as a series of templates, which essentially "ask questions" about a plant, and are then "answered" by bloom clock participants. There are 3 separate templates on each page: {{bloom clock plant top}}, {{bloom clock plant middle}}, and {{bloom clock plant bottom}}, each serving a particular purpose. Each BCP page also has an associated log page, which also uses a template as well as plain text and some inclusion tags.

{{Bloom clock plant top}} is used to provide introductory-level information about a plant, including an image, a text-based description of a plant, "global season" information, and also showing the most recent logs. Many plants lack text descriptions or even images.

{{Bloom clock plant middle}} is used to collect regional data, as well as providing additional images when profile is viewed individually (the regional data and images do not show up on the Keys).

{{Bloom clock plant bottom}} is used to collect other sorts of data that help us create the Keys. This data does not show up as text on the pages, but rather only as categories.

Bottom Template


Updating needs for the bottom template


Most changes to the templates are made by robotic editors, but a recent change to the bottom template (from 7.10.24 to 8.5.12) requires some human attention in order to ensure data is preserved. The template itself is currently set to accept 2 different ways of entering data, but we would like to reduce this to only the new version, which does not require "subtemplates" as the older version did.

While relatively few profiles had pollination defined before the update, the old pollination field of the template:

| pollination method (/pollination/ wind, insect, water, self) =

required the use of a subtemplate to answer, e.g., {{bcp/pollination/insect}}.

The new template version has simpler fields that need only be answered with "y" for the appropriate pollination method. This can be fixed by placing a "y" next to the appropriate new options, and then removing the old "pollination method (...) = " line, as well as any embedded templates on that line. See this diff for an example of the fix.

All profiles should have the color defined, and before v. 8.5.12 of the bottom template this was done using a series of 10 templates ({{bcp/white}}, {{bcp/pink}}, etc.). The new version of the template achieves this by simply prompting users to enter a "y" after each color that applies. To fix the old profiles, look at the old field:

| flower color (/ white, pink, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, black) =

and just add a "y" after each color prompt to make sure the data remains the same. Then remove the old "| flower color (...) = " line, as well as any embedded templates on that line. See this diff for an example of the fix.

All profiles should have the type defined, and before v. 8.5.12 of the bottom template this was done using one or more of a series of templates ({{bcp/herbaceous}}, {{bcp/tree}}, etc.). The new version of the template achieves this by simply prompting users to enter a "y" after each characteristic that applies. To fix the old profiles, first look at the old field:

| type (/ herbaceous, shrub, tree, vine) =

Answering this part of the template is slightly more involved, requiring some knowledge of the plant in question.

  • If the type field contained only {{bcp/herbaceous}}, add "y" after both | herbaceous = and | forb = (diff)
  • If the type field contained only {{bcp/tree}}, add "y" after both | woody = and | tree =
  • If the type field contained only {{bcp/shrub}}, add "y" after both | woody = and | shrub =
  • If the type field contained only {{bcp/vine}}, add "y" after both | woody = and | vine =
  • If the type field contained both {{bcp/shrub}} and {{bcp/tree}}, add "y" after | woody = and | shrub = 'and | tree = (diff)
  • If the type field contained {{bcp/herbaceous}} and any other description, please answer as appropriate (a knowledge of the taxa in question is required for this).

Note that on some genus profiles there may be numerous types included (e.g., Salvia contains both forbs and shrubs), and this should be reflected in the fix.

After the characteristics have been entered, remove the old "| type (...) = " line, as well as any embedded templates on that line.

This field is no longer in use, since this data can be more easily sorted by altering the regional templates. To fix, simply remove the line:

| calendar season (/ winter, spring, summer, fall) =

as well as any templates that were used to answer that line.

Regular maintenance for the bottom template


A number of other categories are used to track missing information on the profiles that the creator of the profile either forgot to enter or didn't know the answers for. This can be fixed by adding the appropriate answers (in most cases a knowledge of the taxa is required).

Color undefined

All profiles should have the flower color defined. Profiles lacking this are tracked using a DPL script which compares Category:BCP/Color defined to Category:Bloom Clock Project Plants on this page. To fix, add a "y" after any and all colors which may appear on the plant.

All profiles should have the family defined. To fix, add the family name after the | Family = prompt, making sure to capitalize the first letter only. Family can usually be found on either Wikipedia or Wikispecies.

All profiles should have the genus defined. To fix, add the genus name after the | Genus = prompt, making sure to capitalize the first letter only.

All profiles should have the taxa level defined. Answer using genus, species, or variety.

Most profiles should have the leaf arrangement defined (profiles for genera may need to remain undefined due to variations among the species). Fix by answering the leaf arrangement promt using "opposite", "alternate", "whorled", or "basal only".

Most profiles should have the leaf complexity defined (profiles for genera may need to remain undefined due to variations among the species). Fix by answering the leaf complexity promt using "simple", "pinnately compound", "palmately compound", or "none" (the latter is only applied to parasitic plants that lack leaves).

Top Template


If no image is provided, a spaceholder image will appear on the profile, with a link in the caption for searching on Commons.

Descriptions lacking


If no descriptive text is entered, please add some!

Log pages


Old log pages should be replaced by adding the new templates.



Templates are now available for both genus and family categories.



The global-temperate keys now require regular updating. See Bloom Clock/Maintenance/Updating Keys for instructions.

Everything Else


Badly needs archiving.