Bloom Clock/Keys/New Hampshire/Global Comparison Worksheet

This page is used to compare monthly data to the Global temperate seasons.


  • January ~ (none)
  • February ~ (none)
  • March ~ (none)
  • April ~ best match late winter
  • May ~ best match early spring
  • June ~ (none)
  • July ~ no definitive results: data set may be too small, best correlations to Mid summer and Late summer (6/2/4 and 6/2/4)
  • August ~ best match to Mid summer and Late summer (23/5/10 and 23/5/10)
  • September ~ best match to midsummer (20/5/7)
  • October ~ best matches to late summer and early fall (equal value 24/9/9)
  • November ~ no definitive results: data set may be too small, best matches to late summer and early fall (equal value 12/3/5)
  • December ~ (none)