Blended learning and online teaching/Producing educational media

Producing educational media can sometimes be necessary when we either don't have access or the rights to equivalent media, or we want to put a particular perspective or identity to it. This panel discusses their experiences producing such media, the evaluation of the end products, and what they've learnt from the process.

Producing educational media. Copy on Youtube and

Multi media resource to help teach Research and Evidence in Health Sciences

Multi media resource to help teach Research and Evidence in Health Sciences. on Youtube, and

Providing effective research training to students early in their studies is critical for development of competency in evidence-based professional practice. Furthermore, we find that our students generally do not understand the critical nature of research as it relates to their training and clinical practice.

This project developed multimedia online modules to support the teaching of introductory research and evidence in health. The modules aim to address this need and provide for multi-campus teaching; greater accessibility for students any time and any level; blend with other subjects as required; provide a foundation for graduate entry students; and a framework for development of more advanced modules for final year students and clinicians on placement. We created the modules with a mix of text, video multimedia and multiple choice questions, both scholarly and humorous in style, to engage and motivate the students. Evaluation was carried out in 2013 with 1,700 students, and a peer review process was conducted by experts in the field of evidence-based practice between June and July 2013. Feedback has been very positive, with specific references to the usefulness and high quality of audio-visual recordings.

Development of the modules was an interdisciplinary collaboration between Allied Health (Podiatry, Speech and Social Work) and the Library (Learning and Research Services) across the Melbourne and Albury/Wodonga campuses. A successful bid for Innovation Project Funding (Design for Learning) enabled development of the modules.

Producing an online learning resource "MRI for the Lumbar Spine

Edmund Leahy, Lecturer Masters of Musculoskeletal/Sports Physiotherapy and Co-ordinator Postgraduate Masters of Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy studies talks with Leigh Blackall about a project he managed, developing a multi media educational resource. Copy on Youtube, copy on Archive.

Edmund Leahy, Lecturer Masters of Musculoskeletal/Sports Physiotherapy and Co-ordinator Postgraduate Masters of Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy studies.

In 2012, the Faculty of Health Sciences invested in the development online resources for the Master of Musculoskeletal and Sports Physiotherapy program. A previously face-to-face workshop called ” MRI for the Lumbar Spine : A Physiotherapy Perspective” was chosen for this project.

The production was to be an online learning package delivered via the Moodle learning management system.

The resource consists of

  1. Pre-reading relevant to the topic
  2. 10 Content learning objects. These objects were filmed mini-lectures which guide students through the process of navigating and using Lumbar Spine imaging. As part of the resource, students are asked to “have a go” at various activities, prior to the online presenter giving their thoughts.
  3. A PDF of the power-point presentation used.
  4. An online quiz “flag race” of 10 questions in which students can check their knowledge.
  5. A discussion forum.

How the resource was developed

The resource featured a content expert as a presenter. To avoid copyright difficulties, it was decided to produce original work. The audio-visual media was developed by a contracted producer. Animations were created by a contracted animator.

The most challenging part of the development of the resource was the co-ordination the production team.

Media production and management in the Faculty of Health Sciences La Trobe University

Brian Dunell, Frank Neibling, Cameron Grant. Interview on Youtube and

Brian Dunell works in the School of Nursing and Midwifery, producing video and web content. Cameron Grant and Frank Niebling work across the Faculty, in both teaching and research work. In this discussion, Brian, Frank, Cameron and Leigh discuss the process of producing educational media in the Faculty.