Big bang/A critique of The self-reproducing inflationary universe

(Review Paper) Cited in Big bang/A critique of The self-reproducing inflationary universe

Points Made


With space continually expanding as well as the six points made on why the big bang scientifically could not happen there is just cause for being against the theory.



From the article researched it outlined six main points on why the big bang could not have happened. First being was there anything before the big bang? How could everything in our known universe appear from nothing? The common scientific question to many scientists researching this subject is what came first the universe or laws that determine its evolution? All a hard thing to grasp or even have a way to figure it out. Second problem with the big bang theory is they say space is flat. It is not flat in fact space can be curved. The forth problem has to do with the timing of the "big bang". The theory suggests all part of the universe started expanding at the same time. How did all the different parts synchronize the expansion. Did some one give a command? The fifth problem with the big bang theory existing is how the universe became so homogeneous. How can something be so large and at the same time some mechanism that can create galaxies at a whole? Scientists can not even grasp a way on how this can be tested or even found out. The final point made in the article was by Albert Einstein he questioned if God had any part in the creation in the universe basically because the above points support why the big bang could not have happened [1]



Over time space is expanding therefore the big bang theory of a fireball exploding in a second is false.The big bang theory asserts that the universe was created in one giant cosmic fire ball and from there the universe continued to evolve. The inflation theory contradicts the big bang theory in that there are numerous cosmic fireballs constantly expanding verses one evolving.


  1. Bondi, H. & Gold, T. (1948). The Steady-State Theory of the Expanding Universe Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 108, p.252. Retrieved from