Bees are flying insects in the Order Hymenoptera. Their anatomy can be generalized to many insects. The keys to the anatomy image are below.

Bee Anatomy.

Bee Anatomy Key by the Numbers

  • 1 - Tongue
  • 2 - Proboscis
  • 3 - Lower Jaw - Maxillae
  • 4 - Mandible
  • 5 - Upper lip
  • 6 - Lower Lip
  • 7 - Upper Jaw Gland
  • 8 - Pharynx
  • 9 - Upper Throat / Gland
  • 10 - Brood food gland
  • 11 - Brain
  • 12 - Simple Eye
  • 13 - Saliva Gland
  • 14 - Chest (Wing) Muscle
  • 15 - Flight Braces
  • 16 - Forewing
  • 17 - Hindwing
  • 18 - Heart Tube
  • 19 - Stigmas
  • 20 - Aerial Bag
  • 21 - Midgut
  • 22 - Heart Flaps
  • 23 - Small Intestine
  • 24 - Odor Gland
  • 25 - Abdomen Gland
  • 26 - Excrement Bubble
  • 27 - Anus
  • 28 - Stinger
  • 29 - Stinger Sheath
  • 30 - Sting Canal
  • 31 - Poison Sack
  • 32 - Small Gland
  • 33 - Seminal Vesicle
  • 34 - Wax Glands
  • 35 - Belly Mark (Ganglia)
  • 36 - Intestinal Valve
  • 37 - Valve Funnel
  • 38 - Stomach Entrance
  • 39 - Honey Stomachs
  • 40 - Heart Loop (Aorta)
  • 41 - Esophagus
  • 42 - Nerve Fibre
  • 43 - Jaw
  • 44 - Pollen Brush
  • a - Coxa - Hip
  • b - Trochanter
  • c - Femur
  • d - Tibia
  • e - Meta Tarsus
  • f - Tarsus
  • g - Tarsus Joint
  • h - Claws

Bee Anatomy Key Alphabetically

  • Abdomen Gland - 25
  • Aerial Bag - 20
  • Anus - 27
  • Aorta (Heart Loop) - 40
  • Belly Mark (Ganglia) - 35
  • Brain - 11
  • Brood food gland - 10
  • Chest (Wing) Muscle - 14
  • Claws - h
  • Coxa (Hip) – a
  • Esophagus - 41
  • Excrement Bubble - 26
  • Femur - c
  • Flight Braces - 15
  • Forewing - 16
  • Ganglia (Belly Mark) - 35
  • Heart Flaps - 22
  • Heart Loop (Aorta) - 40
  • Heart Tube - 18
  • Hindwing - 17
  • Hip (Coxa) - a
  • Honey Stomachs - 39
  • Intestinal Valve - 36
  • Jaw - 43
  • Lower Jaw (Maxillae) – 3
  • Lower Lip - 6
  • Mandible - 4
  • Maxillae (Lower Jaw) - 3
  • Meta Tarsus - e
  • Midgut - 21
  • Nerve Fibre - 42
  • Odor Gland - 24
  • Pharynx - 8
  • Poison Sack - 31
  • Pollen Brush - 44
  • Proboscis - 2
  • Saliva Gland - 13
  • Seminal Vesicle - 33
  • Simple Eye - 12
  • Small Gland - 32
  • Small Intestine - 23
  • Stigmas - 19
  • Sting Canal - 30
  • Stinger - 28
  • Stinger Sheath - 29
  • Stomach Entrance - 38
  • Tarsus - f
  • Tarsus Joint - g
  • Tibia - e
  • Tongue - 1
  • Trochanter - b
  • Upper Jaw Gland - 7
  • Upper lip - 5
  • Upper Throat / Gland - 9
  • Valve Funnel - 37
  • Wax Glands - 34
  • Wing (Chest) Muscle - 14



[Wikimedia Commons Bee Anatomy Image]. The anatomy key is available in several languages at this page.