Prophecy of Zoroastrianism

Time and Lineage

  • Dinkird When a thousand two hundred and some years have passed from the inception of the religion of the Arabian and the overthrow of the kingdom of Iran and the degradation of the followers of My religion, a descendant of the Iranian kings will be raised up as a Prophet

< please note that this passage has not yet been verified. It is found in John Ferraby's book "All Things Made New" who may have gotten it from H Balyuzi. >


  • Avesta, Farvardin Yast 13.129 He shall be the victorious Benefactor (Saoshyant) by name and World-renovator [Astavat-ereta] by name. He is Benefactor because he will benefit the entire physical world; he is World-renovator because he will establish the physical living existence indestructible. He will oppose the evil of the progeny of the biped and withstand the enmity produced by the faithful