Analysis of variance/Types
The main types of ANOVA are listed below. They are all part of the general linear model.
ANOVA models | Definitions |
t-tests | Comparison of means between two groups; if independent groups, then independent samples t-test. If not independent, then paired samples t-test. If comparing one group against a fixed value, then a one-sample t-test. |
One-way ANOVA | Comparison of means of three or more independent groups. |
One-way repeated measures ANOVA | Comparison of means of three or more within-subject variables. |
Factorial ANOVA | Comparison of cell means for two or more between-subject IVs. |
Comparison of cells means for one or more between-subjects IV and one or more within-subjects IV. |
ANCOVA | Any ANOVA model with a covariate. |
MANOVA | Any ANOVA model with multiple DVs. Provides omnibus F and separate Fs. |