Algebra II/Functions

Intro to Functions: Speak Math Now!/Week 4: Functions

A vertical line test serves to check if a relation is a function or not. If more than two dots touch the "vertical line", it is not a function. Therefore, a function cannot be vertical (but, on the contrast, it can be horizontal).

Functions are graphical representation of algebra. Thus there will always be an algebraic equation to solve before representing it on the Cartesian plane.

A Cartesian plane is a cross that consist of two axis, the x and y axis. On this cross the horizontal line of it is the 'x axis' and the vertical line is the 'y axis'. The point of intersection of these two axis is called the origin. Numbers above the origin and on the y axis are positive and numbers below the origin are negative numbers of y axis. Numbers on the left side of x axis are negative and numbers on the right side are positive.Between these numbers is the point of intersection and the numerical value there is zero.