
(Redirected from Airplane Components)
The Aviation School

The Wikiversity School of Aviation is hoping to start with courses of Practical Aviation content. Please feel free to contribute with as much or as little as you wish. Don't fear, there is no harm you can do that can't be undone.

A school is a large organizational structure which can contain various departments and divisions. The departments and divisions should be listed in the departments and divisions section. The school should not contain any learning resources. The school can contain projects for developing learning resources.

Please add anything you can to any of the existing areas. Feel free to edit, rewrite or start a whole new topic. We really need some more organization to this school.

What aviation is

Pursuit of a dream or practical transportation? How much of each is in your desire to fly?

Aviation deals with flight and all factors involved in flight. It covers not only pilots, but also all the fields necessary to support flight.

  • Pilots, Flight Instructors, Ground Instructors
  • Crewmembers Other Than Pilots
  • Aircraft and Maintenance
  • Airports
  • Air Traffic Control
  • Air Carriers and For Compensation Operations
  • Space Transportation
  • Rotorcraft operations

Related studies include Aerospace Engineering.


For basic information you need to know before beginning training to become a pilot, read the Pilot's Basic Information page.

Divisions and Departments

Divisions and Departments of the School exist on pages in "topic" namespace. Start the name of departments with the "" prefix; departments reside in the namespace. Departments and divisions link to learning materials and learning projects. Divisions can link subdivisions or to departments. For more information on schools, divisions and departments look at the Naming Conventions.

There are three basic Genres in Aviation:

Practical aviation

Includes Theory Courses required of students (cadets) who are pursuing a license or a rating such as:


Each of these levels require some theory study plus actual and simulated flying hours. They also include some maintenance and other courses but mostly in a practical theme.

Although this study is mainly static from year to year and some pilots have had twenty years of experience and found out that their kids are studying the same courses and information they did, changes in regulations and changes in technology require continual updating.

Many Aviation schools started by providing only the basics, then moved up to Aviation Science after adding resources and the staff.

We urge you to take the placement test just to know where you belong


Courses we will be working on are:

  1. Aircrafts and Aerodynamics
  2. Aircraft Instruments, Engines and Systems
  3. Airports, Air Traffic Control, and Airspace
  4. Federal Aviation Regulations
  5. Aircraft Performance and Weight and Balance
  6. Aeromedical Factors and Aeronautical Decision Making
  7. Aviation Weather
  8. Aviation Weather Services
  9. Navigation
  10. Navigation Systems
  11. Cross Country Flight Planning
  12. Rotorcraft operations
  13. Glider operations
  14. Lighter-than-air operations

Before we begin I'd like to state that you are begining on a journey that may take you to places you've yet to imagine. You'll never regret pursuing your pilot's certificate. Maybe your goal is to become a professional pilot GOOD FOR YOU. Pilots love going to work. Most pilots pay their dues by Flight instructing, giving scenic rides, towing banners & gliders, The pay is low but the experience is priceless. I wish you all the best of luck.

Practical aviation course contents

Aviation Science

This is the more scientific branch of study and includes some engineering courses and sometimes even safety courses.

Please feel free to start new categories or new courses

Active participants

The histories of Wikiversity pages indicate who the active participants are. If you are an active participant in this school, you can list your name here (this can help small schools grow and the participants communicate better; for large schools it is not needed).

Inactive participants

Things you can do!

School news

  • August 18, 2006 - School founded!
  • March 1, 2007 - Much more work needed!
  • September 2, 2008 - Resources section reorganized, new documentation links


These are online resources to assist with personal research.

United States

The following online resources are from the US Federal Aviation Administration. While the scope of any regulatory material only applies to the United States, anything about how aircraft work is globally applicable. There is a lot of information here.

New Zealand

The New Zealand Written Examinations Manuals is trying to build up a manual based on the syllabus requirements from the NZCAA Advisory Circulars


What if your country isn't listed here?

This is a volunteer-maintained site. You can add the information for your country. Please take care to ensure accuracy. When possible, please include links that others can use to confirm its accuracy as well - but don't hesitate to get it started.

See also


Open source software